In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Earthern Ring in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
• Your character’s name, race and class.
Merrodan, Night Elf Druid
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
I’m terrible with names. Dwargh - Kaysla - Lilith - Mails - man, there’s so many more. But really wish I could meet the guy I was in a raid group with (so not guild) at vanilla times he was one of the (if not the only one) first druid TANKS. Which was UNHEARD of. He was a number cruncher and found the optimal gear to be able to tank in bear form - which was so subpar to warrior etc. But he did it. He did better than anyone with the poor options we had at the time.
I was a newbie but he thought me at the time, I got 2nd in command for the druids in the raid and was off tank. Such a huge proud moment, because it was rare to have bear tanks. Wish I could remember his name and to say hi.
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Your character’s name, race and class.
Spolli, Gnome mage
Guild: The Hellions
I’m really hoping to find people from the ol’ Ironforge Guard and Tinkers Guard, because I would love to still be RPing in Ironforge with y’all!
Also, Gibbles, I miss ya. Flirting with other gnomes still feels wrong. Come back soon?
I was a Human Paladin named Tiber back then.
Dont recall any guilds I had.
Was mostly RPing in IF and Goldshire(hilarious i know).
If ya’ll remember me, Hit me up!
Ceirek, Human Mage
The Scarlet Crusade
Makaan, if you’re out there, let’s go for some junglevine wine in old town.
• Your character’s name, race and class.
Taalkaras, night elven hunter (for a short time, Vince, human paladin)
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
Used to run a guild called The Forgotten Templars. A small social guild.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
The ones I at least remember the names of: Puenor, Looker
Hey all,
Mystifier here, human warlock from ER (and still here)
(Fahdrael, Night Elf Druid in Beta Vanilla)
Guild Master of <Dark Wanderers)
Used to raid with raid group <Keepers of Nethergarde)
Hit me up if you like 
Looking for the nicest guy ive ever met in game.
A Dwarf male Hunter, Pustillo.
We used to play with Livia and Slainter.
I was a night elf warrior named Sumos back then.
Name: Jhasso, Gnome, Rogue
Guild: Ravenholdt Rogues for the most part
People: Mouse, Barlow, Prynkesse, Destyen, Valimar, Chit… so many!
Natureza, Dwarf Warrior reporting in
Guild: Keepers of the Oath, Syntax
Just throwing it out there for sentimental sake :)
P.s. Hi Jhasso 
Name: Caradon, Human, Paladin
Guilds: Pillars of Faith, Embers of the Throne, Circle of The Moon
Who: So many. Rhaegar, Cardinal, Durdleford, Ênani…so many more. Just posting here to say I’m still around.
PS. Hi Natureza and Jhasso! 
Name: Gimilkhâd, dwarf paladin
Guild: Ironforge Guards and Ember Throne
Who: Ironforge and Ember peoples, Rynar, Throrion, Skathi, Fjalar, Grim, Charice, Cardinal, Enani, Avari, Krale, Eccerion, Caradon, Baros, Morthrand, Lander, Kynareth and many more.
Played a human warlock named Wallard on Earthen Ring in vanilla. Part of guilds such as “Cult of Fel”, “Fallen Gods”, “Disciples of Archimonde”, “The Rose” and “The DeVies”. Let me know if you remember and want to establish contact!
Will be playing on Zandalari Tribe as an Alliance character. A gnome called Filipuce.
Name: Pinnacle, Night Elf hunter with a Nightstalker hunter pet named Shadow.
Guilds: Shadow Leaves, a few others and finally Unity Path.
I played with so many nice people, Avidor (human paladin), Bernardoso (human warrior) just to name a few.
If you recognize me and would like to connect, then here I am… 
Name: Huror
Guilds: The Griffin Order, Lost Chapter (briefly), Raven Knights
I still play WoW on ER, and the guild is looking to play in Classic, so if anyone is looking for people to play with do feel free to reach out and I can let you know the realm etc :).
Name: Jehuty/Kodama
I was a night elf warrior that raided with SILVER FLAME/HAND I think? Daralea was the raid leader. Wasn’t quite a guild. I did pvp a lot and made friends with a really skilled Orc Warrior. Can’t remember his name but we ended up playing through to TBC and ventured in to rates pvp. Maybe name begins with M? Human paladin at this stage.
Made a lot of good friends but I remember him above all. ,_, come back…
Ergoth - Human Paladin.
Tahl: Gnome Mage.
Moonstorm: Night Elf Hunter.
Guilds: Raven Knights, Crescent Moon (founder).
Raid groups: Guildless Raiding, Unity Path (before turning into a guild).
Name: Wulfsblood, Night Elf Hunter
Guild: Surprised Survivors
Who I’m Hoping To Connect With: Anyone from SS or the Chaotic Divinity Raid Group
Name: Dragonfury (Aledri)
Guild: The Dragon Blades, The Righteous Order
People: Any former members, fellow RPers be great to catch up!