In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Earthern Ring in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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Used to play Horde side in a guild called Purple Vortex, guild leader was a troll female (shaman?) whose name I forget. Played mostly on this character Ilador an undead rogue. Purple Vortex eventually disbanded into another guild called Emerald Vortex I believe. I also played in Runic Legion during WotLK and Elysium at some point (I forget if it was tbc or wrath). Hope some old school Earthern Ring players are joining back into the fray 
I played on Earthen Ring during 2006 under the name Kjarlot along with my IRL friend Hawo where I was in what I believe was the Cerberus raid force before it became an actual guild. I’m hoping to reconnect to people that might remember me (Batista, Marley and Hotahu, you out there? ;o), with the exception of Cajuungumbo. I still hold a grudge 
I also had a short stint in Elysium during tbc as well as The Reliquary. Iemanja if you’re reading this I still have nightmares of the Teron Gorefiend ghosts 
Hi ,
I played on Earthen Ring since 2005 , with the same character “Zangho” as Holy priest and till now.
Looking to meet Shonkar , Hiro , Zulfakar , Babalawo if they still play !
this time im migrating to pvp server. hope to meet you guys again.
Azabondiia started life almost 15 years ago, I was a long time member of “Might” (aka Might of The Horde), one of the two first raid groups on the horde side of Earthen Ring.
I also founded the 3rd raid group called Chapter House (and subsequent guild), with my wife Ellum. We are still on Earthen Ring in modern day wow, stop by and say hi!
Our plans for Classic, are to join Earthen Ring again - if its available and make a Chapter House guild, and all old members will be very welcome.
I played a Tauren Warrior named Garlok in the original game. I was part of Chapter House, then later on Black Rat Society and a couple raid groups led by Blackluster (R.I.P) during the course of the original game.
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I used to be a Troll Rogue named Koshma. I don’t quite recall which guilds I was in though. I never raided during Vanilla.
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Played a troll hunter named Jaque and this orc in Earthen Ring in vanilla. Hit me up if you remember either.
Will be playing on Zandalari Tribe as an Alliance character. A gnome called Filipuce.
That does sound vaguely familiar. I may have just seen you around. I can’t recall much else.
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I played this troll female priest as a part of both The Northrend Raiders and Heritage of Hellscream. I Still play with the latter guild and we’ll be starting over on the Zandalar tribe RP/PVP server.
I also used to raid with “the Reborn” raid group in vanilla as well as Might of the Horde in tbc, the Reliquary and Elysium in later expacs.
Defenders of Mulgore and Synergy where my guilds of choice back in Vanilla.
I played a Druid called Soarth and a Hunter named Sorn. I played a lot so you might also remember Didginit the Shaman or Razial the Mage.
Me and a friend (Tular the Priest) are now reserving names on Hydraxian Waterlords RP.
Please replay or message me or whisper me in game when released if you want to get I’m touch.
I played SlunD the undead mage, in the guild Slayers of Paladins (Still there, but retired). Used to raid primarily MC with Blackluster and his groups - he’s dead? I’m so sorry to hear that.
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I remember you, not from Earthen Ring and vanilla though.
What server are you starting on?
I’ve pretty much always played as with this character: Sillicis, a tauren hunter
Migrated some servers and even faction(twice) in later expansions when Earthen Ring was pretty much dead.
I played Vebrir the Tauren Hunter back in the day, and will be playing Vebrir the Druid this time around.
I was apart of ‘Council of the Oak’ one of the few guilds who raided as Cerberus.
A few of my IRL friends (also from ER) will be playing on Zandalar Tribe (RP-PvP).
There names were Vikramh (aka Ifiritsflame) the Tauren shaman and Jadepudget the undead rogue.
Would be great to see some familiar names join us.
Played this toon since then and still going, casual atm.
Raided with Abandoned Group, went on with Ad Noctum, stopped raiding during BC.
Been playing casual since then, planning on one big nostalgy trip with Classic!
Yeah I remember, we were in Warborn during the final patch of MoP and first content of WoD. At least that’s what the guild ended up being called, as I remember there was a guild merge due to Mythic becoming 20-man only.
I’m probably gonna start playing on Mirage Raceway Horde.
Name: Uprisings (also known as Mibbido on my Blood Elf Rogue)
Race: Undead
Class: (Frost) Mage
Guild: Slayer of Paladins (hi Slund)
Hope many past players will return for the nostalgia trip.
Hello. Lt. General Krogoth the Tauren Druid here.
I was with the Black Rat Society back then and I still am, so I don’t really need to reconnect with my old guild, but as a Druid it would be cool to run into some of the old cows like Sirloin (taught me all I know about hiding WSG flags), Xzamosh, Apiis, Glyrgrim and others that I don’t recall off the top of my head. I also remember you Azabondiia but I don’t think you did much pvp so didn’t run into you often.
Also the whole PvP crowd from back in the day: Vola, Uska, Nikrel, Volkor, Ngebe, Zoreth, Kabuto, Tyrael, Cinja, Outlander, Epitaph and many more.
I expect to roll a Shaman on Hydraxian, will probably take forever to level up so give me a /wave when you pass me in the barrens on your epic mounts ^^
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I recogonize many of the names (I was NE rogue back then, Anionel).
Tyrael was an insane UD warrior right? That name got stuck in my brain.
Was Uska an orc warrior? I think I remember him always resisting my stuns