One of the first Horde Earthshaker guilds looking to grow our friendly community with an aim to clear raids within each phase and have good fun and some laughs along the way.
About Us:
The Guild is Based around Vanilla Players that played together for a very long time with experience in all the Content that Classic wow has to offer.
We have a lot of music enthusiasts that like to play music on the Guild discord and have a good time. We aim To have a good atmosphere in the guild as much as having the players who will be able to clear the content up to Naxx.
We are a ‘casual’ progress focused raiding guild planning to raid 2 nights on Monday
and Wednesday 19:30 to 23:00 server time
Loot and structure:
We have a Transparent loot council system which is based on the class leaders, our class leaders will chat with all the raiders on the specific class channel and decide who the item will go to. We Make sure that everyone gets the loot they deserve.
We are actively seeking DPS Warriors and Rogues or any other Exceptional DPS player.
You can reach us by discord Dettol#0200 or Maia#0682