Earthshaker Bounty Board

Since the server is now steadily growing, I figured I’d try to kick-start some competitive community spirit. Ever felt like being a bounty hunter? Here’s your chance of becoming one!

If you want to see specific players dead (or tortured), put a price on their heads! Anyone can put up a bounty; I’ll add the names and rewards to the list, together with any special requests or conditions for the kill. If multiple bounties are placed on the same player, I’ll merge them, noting where to claim the rewards.

When posting a bounty, please provide the following

  • Name of your target
  • The reward (can be anything really, be creative!)
  • Any special requests or conditions to be met (e.g. kill 'em, MC into lava, steal their node, everything* is possible)
  • Name of the in-game character where the reward can be claimed

A few simple rules

  • Post links to screenshots/recordings to verify your kills. Preferably with the combat log visible
  • Please pay up. If you don’t pay for legitimate kills I won’t put your bounties on the board (and you’ll risk bounties on your own head)
  • Take screenshots/recordings when sending/trading rewards so you can prove you paid in case of a dispute
  • Please stay within the limits of the Blizzard ToS

Bounty hunter tools

  • This kill-on-sight notifier addon will make your life as a bounty hunter a LOT easier:

Feedback is awesome, so if you have any suggestions or new ideas I’d love to hear them!

Happy hunting!

Bounties on Alliance players - sorted by reward

Target:         Fizzlebang - 60 Mage
Reward (3x):    I will fulfill a bounty on a Horde target of your choosing
Conditions:     One clean kill, no griefing. Reward can be earned a maximum of
                3x in total (once per player), so get your kill quickly!
Claim at:       Fizzlebang (yes, I put a bounty on myself)

Bounties on Horde players - sorted by reward

Target:          Jaba - 60 Mage
Rewards:         1g for the first kill, 2g for the 2nd within 15 mins, etc.
Conditions:      Corpse camping not only allowed, but encouraged!
Claim at:        Wodan

Target:          Stonibraxton - 60 Warlock
Rewards:         1g for the first kill, 2g for the 2nd within 15 mins, etc.
Conditions:      Corpse camping not only allowed, but encouraged!
Claim at:        Wodan

Target:          Roxiya
Reward:          The satisfaction of killing someone who corpse camps lowbies
Conditions:      -
Claim at:        -


Clearly you rolled on the wrong server…for now at least…


I like the idea!

1 Like

I’ll start promoting it more once I get to 60 myself :slight_smile: I don’t think these realmforums are very active anyway

LoL… you think?

Name: Roxiya.
Faction: Horde.
Reward: The satisfaction of killing someone who corpse camps lowbies.

Name: Jaba and Stonibraxton
Faction: Horde
Class: 60 mage and 60 warlock
Wanted for crimes against me.
Rewards: 1g for the first kill, 2g for the 2nd within 15 mins etc. Corpsecamping is not only allowed but encouraged ^^

Sorry for the late update, but your bounties have been added to the list! Added em to my in-game one as well :wink: