I tried to disable all addons, still nothing help so it is patch. Something you need to fix this patch.
- Eat more fps for no reason
- While loading, it disturbs with gamma, brightness…it looks like it blinks a bit
I tried to disable all addons, still nothing help so it is patch. Something you need to fix this patch.
Hi Malicone
Performance issues after a patch are generally down to either a misbehaving addon, or an interface file that hasn’t updated properly. As such, first thing I’d suggest is a full User Interface Reset to clean everything out, and give us a good baseline to see what’s going on
As for the Flickering, that’s being looked into, and I’ve already been discussing it over here so I’d suggest going through what has already been suggested in there first, and follow up in that thread with the results of that
Experiencing the same loss of overall FPS across the game since the patch, addons aren’t involved as I tested with a clean interface.
It’s a lot of micro-stuttering even as the client reports fps being at 60 and it clearly is not the case, it get worse with any sort of lighting, fog or weather effect but it’s pretty noticeable overall. Bizarre…
New patch new problems…
Nothing new…
Having similar issues my fps which before was 140+ is now 20-30 and my resolution is so far zoomed out changing scale and such does nothing and if i change resolution my screen just goes potato mode