Echoes of Ny'alotha in Mythic+

Yeees… and you can do endless M+ runs. I mean yeah i agree that the corruptions are a bit too expensive, but only in the context that the corruptions are on a rotation in the vendor.

that’s a hell of a lot of dungeon for a week.

if you’re lucky enough to have echoes farmed before, if you had to start now like me, it’s a miracle if i can get in 2 week one corruption.

I guess pvp does not count, right?

A 2vs2 arena at low rating is 2-3 minutes, and it’s 50 echoes for a win. + the weekly crate.
In terms of echoes/time is way more than you can achieve from m+, and it’s the only other endlessy repeatable source of echoes.

M+ should drop more echoes to balance things for people who are not into pvp.

My apologies, once again I forget that not everyone plays the game the same, duly noted.

~650 Echoes from Main invasion
~650 Echoes from 2x mini invasions
~1500 Echoes from weekly chest
~1000 Echoes from doing M+ dungeons, ( averages at 5 +15s a week? )
~250 Echoes from world quest caches multiplied by the number of times you do the world quest caches.
~1332 Echoes for a full clear heroic Nya’lotha
~750 for a full vision clear
~875-1500 for the PVP weekly chest.

I still think we do gain an considerable amount of echoes already, granted not everyone is gonna do all the activities above, but participating in some of them or ( just naturally playing the game as you do without thinking of echoes ) would probably net you 1 corruption a week, there is 8 itemslots to corrupt and 9 for dual wielding characters, with the current back resistance you probably can only afford to put ~5-6 corruptions on and 6~7 for people than can afford 40-80 corruption range.

So yeah, in 6 weeks you’ll probably do have the corruptions you need without going out of your way and spamming / tryharding.

While players that do spam will get it even faster.

pvp’s not getting the most amount of gear in the game. It’s in a bad state. Its rewards are a joke and the time it takes to get the same amount of echoes in mythic+ will be similar.

So no. pvp’s fine. and mythic+ is more than fine.

Spend a couple of extra hours grinding for echoes if you’re that interested.

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