Ehm. Customizations

Fair enough, but there’s a difference between slouching and hunchback. Their posture is even worse than an orc’s.

A freakin ORC.

In Dazaralor we had upright forsaken guards (granted they hunch when attacking bubi think that’s more due to them recycling the core animations) , so it’s something that has been ingame before. It’s not like you will be forced to be upright; like with bones it would be optional.

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You already posted about this, with the title “For the last time, Blizzard”
And then I replied:

narrator voice: But it wouldn’t be the last time.

Funny, that.

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That’s not true. Some of us like it. That is not to say we don’t need a straight-spine posture, hell I’d use it on one of my undead but the hunched version has i’s charm too. Not to mention that even after all these years the male forsaken running animation cracks me up.

I do agree with that but seems it’s the male model was made so that it has bit of hunchback, when looking at the t-pose models of both male and female. So it would have to remade from ground up.

Easiest would be to remake the animations for both, a whole another thing though which I don’t think they’ll be doing anytime soon.

Oh of course it should be optional; I don’t think anything should ever be removed in place of something else in terms of customisation in a game.

Well it seems like they are done adding options for the expansion, but we can always hope for it in the future.

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I mean the more options the merrier. I’m not crazy about the flowers, they’re cool, but it’s nice to have something near your characters face you know? The trouble with excessive focus on tauren horns for cusomisation is their portraits still end up looking very samey. That’s not to say more horn stuff wouldn’t be cool, it would. But tauren are in serious need of stuff to give them spice beyond their horns and fur colour. I also think the horn focus (in terms of carvings and ornaments beyond caps/rings) is probably something they’re leaving largely for Highmountain Tauren, as now OGs can wear face paint, they’re a literally tauren with antlers, so my guess is they’re going to keep them as distinct from OG horns as possible.

It’d be like focusing the entirety of goblin customisation on their ears and skin colour and just giving them a few faces and hairstyles - at a glance the characters don’t look that different.

If blizzard can manage to make over a dozen male pandaren faces (bear men) that at least have different expressions beyond their spots (and they do) I don’t see why it’s so difficult to make cow men have faces beyond “neutral” and “cross”. Their fringes are probably the best thing they’re adding ATM as it actually spices up their faces a bit, but I seriously hope they add some more faces at some point. Male Goblins and male trolls have a similar issue but they can fall back on obvious hair styles and obvious piercings, tusks for trolls and nose/chin for gobs to make them look quite different. Tauren don’t have that. I mean would it kill blizz to give them long hair styles or styles where they braid or style their mane a bit? Or have their hair draped down their back?

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But now we have fresh corpse option, so it kinda does :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

And if we’re getting technical rigor mortis keeps the cadaver in a very straight position.


But they don’t want to be the decomposed undead, they want to pretend to be the fresh corpses that has been lying in a freezer and then wake up fully restored. Perhaps a bit sparkly from ice crystals. Like the guy from Twilight.

Yeah, they want to be the twilight dude.

They’ll always find something.

Just give us Gandalf/ Merlin/ Dumbledore beards Blizard, please…

they won’t look like humans. Even void elves and blood elves aren’t that similar, even though they’re giving blood elf skin options to them.

Look at the dark rangers/sylvanas/nathanos and tell me how human/elf they look?

Standing straight doesn’t make them human like. It just makes transmoging them much more badass.


Dark rangers/slyvanus are dead elves, which isn’t a model we have and would be a allied race if anything.

Nathanos went under a ritual to look how he does which is more likely to be a allied race realistically.

And I would argue except skin colour they do look pretty elven if you painted one a normal skin hue I’d imagine itd be pretty easy to believe they are elves.

Zombies iconically are pretty slouched which is prolly why I find it weird

I would argue though nathanos / dark rangers do look exactly like their living race counterparts… except they walk with red eyes and discoloured skin.

That’s the thing. Forsaken aren’t your typical every movie zombie.

That would be the Scourge.

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While I get that I don’t think every race needs to stand straight, and while I’d love to see the dark ranger and nathanos’s model become options, the current UDs do have a charm about them

Which is why the request isn’t for the removal of their current pose. It’s just to have the option to stand straight as an addition.

If sylvanas could stand straight after so many years, it’s not hard to imagine other forsaken being like that since the beginning.

Back then, it was to create a distinct difference between races and to make sure horde and alliance races are completely different.

But now that we have been through so many changes and the difference between races are becoming less and less, This addition isn’t really weird anymore.

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Well slyvanus isn’t exactly the same as a forsaken she was bred from a entirely different race, and Is a banshee…

There’s a reason why none of the straight back dead share a model with the playable forsaken imho

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