Either Cyclone should be reduced to 4s duration or the Immunity part removed

No the 1500 argument here is that treants are solo healing the entire team while rdruid is going around spamming clones on 3 targets.

I’m just telling you that cyclone from rdruid is easy to avoid both from a healer and a dps perspective

No, it’s not. Only if you don’t have to worry about anything else in the game.

Cyclone needs to go on a CD, be dispellable, the targets healable and break on damage.

Nerf it to the ground.

“Oh, I’m just gonna play at the pi—”


“Hah, the druid will never touch me he—”


“This time the dk & shaman are on my team, no more stupid shenanigans like gripping or moving me into the open”

Sapped. Sapped. Sapped.

Cycloned. Cycloned. Cycloned. Bashed. Rooted. Dispel root. Rooted. Rooted. Someone dies.

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Why should resto druid cc be the worst in the game :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Why should it be the best in the game? Hunters and DHs need to spec pvp talents for their imprison and traps doing the same thing as cyclone and they have a CD.

because it’s the hardest to get off

No, it’s most definitely not.

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which one is harder?

It’s as hard as it is to hex, polymorph, repentance or mind control.

Neither are hard to get off. Cyclone is a lot stronger than them on the other hand.

can be casted during a blink and is on a seperate spell school for frost mage and fire mage.

Mind control isn’t priests main cc, it’s fear+chastise. That’s like comparing hibernate with fear/hoj lol

Honestly I haven’t seen a priest press mind control in months, are you sure you’re playing the same game?

I have chastise as a disc priest?

It’s also irrelevant whether something is a main cc or not. It’s as hard to get off as that.

You’re the guy that said no druid runs typhoon and I could link one that does pretty much instantly.

So lol.


No druid played typhoon last ssn, and I don’t see why you’d play typhoon this season either

Cool then nerf all other ccs because hibernate is too weak

When discussing how hard it is to get something off? lol

I also told you I’ll happily take sleep walk, hoj or other ccs because they’re much better and more reliable ccs than cyclone


It’s as hard to cast cyclone as it is to cast mind control, repentance, hex, polymorph and so forth.

Big x.

Yet I’ve met druids that do. So you’re just lying.

Priest Also has chastise+fear

Hoj (which is miles better than bash)
Aoe blind

Lasso, shear, static and capstun

castable while blinking and no punishment on kick

Not sure in which game version that’d be :person_shrugging:

There’s a reason why rdruid is only good when it has very high healing output, and that’s because it has the most unreliable cc out of any healer

I’m just gonna stop responding to you since you don’t seem to understand that disc priests don’t have chastise.


idk other disc priests seem to make it work :person_shrugging:

Maybe look into positioning and situational awareness if you’re getting cloned a lot because you definitenly shouldn’t

Why players imagine all specs should be same, but buuuut my spec cant do this and that. Strengths and weaknesses. Or just lets make all same just change visual and skill names.
Clone is great CC, but to say its OP, not sure.
99.9% who moaning about druid cant play it.

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It is OP though. Best CC in the game, doesn’t break on DMG, they can’t break out of it unless it’s a trinket, can spam it (no CD). Works brilliantly with other forms of CC.

Cyclone is and always has been OP.

Make what work? Disc Priests don’t have Chastise, which is factual.

Clone is OP.
But its also funny to read all the resto druids spam defending cyclone while also claiming they never or very rarely use it. :+1:


Lol, i would trade ALL of them for a cyclone :slight_smile:

Lasso: 8 out of 10 times (in 3s/rated bg) it’s micro CC’d / interrupted after 1 sec, GJ you just put 15 sec stun DR on the target. And you are full useless while channeling it, since it’s deals joke damage.

Wind shear: Amazing, 1 GCD lockout :smiley: You certainly can score a kill anytime in that time window.

Static Field Totem: The only really useful ability, to prevent melee to connect (for 1 more global, coz the totem is always one tapped sometimes even before you move it) - takes 1 pvp talent slot + 1 class talent (Totemic Projection, which is used only for this) and 1.5 min CD.

Capactior Totem: killed instantly even by blindfolded players before its activates (3s duration, 1 min CD)

Do you need my Earth Elemental Stun as well? I give that too, you can have it (5 min CD)

And if you even think about it,with precog in game,you risk alot more than you gain by shearing

Alot of times in the same gcd when i put Static totem i get micro cced,enough time totem to get 1 shoted so you gain 0 value out of it.
The best CC shaman can do is to be on perfect position use cap totem on fake place,use 2nd gcd to put it next to the healer,time it perfectly so it stuns,make sure before all of this they cant stop you casting hex after the cap totem,because if you get kicked on nature school you are majory F.And thats in case they dont have curse dispell.Aka no point risking positioning/stun dr/healing globals to land a risky hex

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