Since the CC changes, It’s by far the greatest CC in the game… literally removing a player from the game for 6 second on ZERO CD, 20 yards and less than 1.4s cast time is absurd.
The spell either needs to be reduced to 4 second base duration or it needs the immunity side of it removing entirely and be made into a break when you take any damage.
The only other way you could balance it is make Cyclone DR with every single category so it’s the best CC but will consistently be on Diminishing Return if not managed correctly
Cyclone is beyond the most braindead CC there is on this game. Something needs to be done about it. (JuSt LoS CyClOnE), yeah, after skull bash, there’s not much else you can do apart from eat 10+ seconds of Cyclone. Not to mention the amount of roots n other forms of CC on this game that helps druids pull it off.
Then try to keep this druid busy with something interesting instead of freecast spam control
Like, em, switch on him and kill him, or purge his hots and burst his mates, or control him
It will help, I promise you
I think it’s much more absurd that even on a decent rating, players know the cooldowns and abilities of different healers specs, but they don’t know how druids hots work and tunnel into lifebloom+full prehot, mistakenly thinking that the druid’s hps is above average
Other healers would also love to have npcs healing from them, while they stroodle around the arena like a walk in the park (and automatically nullifying traps from hunters, since traps will always fall into a treant instead of the druid).
Weird cos i faced some druids and i remember getting cloned like Once in a week and the reason why i remember that one clone was cos i was surprised as i havent seen anyone cloning at all.
If there’s anyone who’s clueless, that would be you. Nobody is saying treants alone heal everything for the druid. However, treants alone makes healing much easier (usually it’s either the top healing from RDruids, or comes in 2nd or 3rd place) and gives plenty of room for the druid (and bascially has no counter) to do many stuff without worrying too much (AND it eats cc). Stop being delusional and defending one of the most broken specs in the game by a large margin
Edit: and I was wondering why you’re so enticed on defending Rdruids so much, until I’ve just saw you have four Rdruids. That explains everything really