Ele shaman bg tips

Hi all,
I would like to ask whether ele shamans are good pressure in random bgs or not?
I played maybe one or two arenas and i really enjoy their disruptive gameplay.
Im just so used to playing destro lock that I’m kinda spoilt I guess XD.
Anyways my issue is that while i can peel for my teamates with earthbind , help negate cc with tremor and ive ate many CBs or greater pyros with grounding in the past few days which is really fun.
The amount of utility they being is truly amazing.
I’m just not good at creating pressure I guess, basically doing decent damage.
Since I use crit as my main stat, i initially take some time to build my maelstrom for my burst but by the time ive built it up the fight ends and i either pick up the pieces and my teammates have done significant more damage than me or we lose the initial fight because everyone dies and then by the time ive built up enough maelstrom i get focused and die last.
I’m not really ranting or anything but it is my first time playing ele shaman ever and I do enjoy them.
Would appreciate any tips on how to make things better :smiley:
Also as a side note , I see many ele shamans running primal elementalist instead of SoP on the rated bg ladder but im not sure if this is accurate as they can be using that for arenas as well.
Also i would like to mention that i feel the dmg of my burst dosent feel really…‘bursty’.
I do the stormkeeper + skyfurytotem+ Earth shock + LB + Earth Shock + LB
But i guess again I am too used to a destro lock’s burst so its probably just me XD

Honestly, what you describe is basically what i am ecxperiencing as well. Only that i start running in ghost form early enough to not get killed as the last man standing. That is ele for you … sadly

Stacking crit means u’re going for that big, once a minute burst and then u’re doing nothing for the next one. The problem with this is that SoP was nerfed a long time ago, and current health pools being 220k+ make it even less appealing.
In fact, relative to current health pools, the DMG of every spec, aside from destro and maybe fmage, is pretty low, meaning that u can’t rly 100-0 someone in a few globals.

U can stack haste for higher sustained dmg.

Also, u should be running 3ple lava burst traits + potentially 3ple earth shock traits. 3rd best option is natural harmony if the 1st 2 aren’t present. (God bless RNG gearing).

With even more haste, Icefury could probably become viable but for the moment that doesn’t quite seem to be the case.

Keep lava shock up, keep your totems up, Lava burst on cd.
When you reach 100 maelstrom.
Stormkeeper -> Lasso -> Skyfury -> on use trinket & orc racial -> Earthshock -> LB -> LB -> Earthshock -> Dead

This really applies to every single caster in BGs, but most people don’t do this and it really makes a huge difference between what you’re able to pull off and your perception of “melee dominance” in BGs.

Kite preemptively, meaning attempt to maintain a steady and consistent distance from potential threats, even if they have not engaged you. Your goal as any caster dps is to stay just far enough / awkward enough that the investment a melee dps needs to put in to reach you isn’t immediately worth it.

People are fickle in random BGs, really, really fickle. If you make something even slightly difficult for them, they won’t bother. It’s like being chased by a bear, you just have to outrun the people next to you.

Elementals get some extra things when picking primal elementalist. Earth elemental gets an stun for example. Fire gets and aoe and some dot.

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