Hi Handsomeme! I think we’re perfectly in the zone you like.
Casual Pizza Cats wants your deeps! 
Are you either of these two?
- A committed raider: a dpser who knows her/his class and wants to progress on Mythic, but who also has a life going on.
- An active social player: someone who wants to join events and clear content together with guildies.
Then we’re the guild for you.
-------------------- FOR RAIDERS 3/9M --------------------
Raids are 8-11.30pm on Wednesday (Party Night) and Sunday (Progress Night);
and at 1pm on Saturdays (Alt/Social).
We have a flexible roster, so you will not be punished for missing a raid. !@#$ happens, we all know it. That said, loyalty is rewarded. We bring solid raid leadership, Spirit Cauldrons, Tables, Codexes, and Vantus Runes. In return, we expect you to bring a good understanding of your class and fight mechanics, and a great attitude.
We are looking for a reliable main tank + dpsers who are excited to progress on Mythic, at a chill pace, with a fun guild. We also welcome healers with a decent dps offspec they are willing to swap to; we don’t have main healing spots.
More info on raiding:
-------------------- FOR SOCIALS & M+ --------------------
Every week you have a shot at the prestigious Casual Pizza Cats Award by winning trivia night, transmog contests, hide and seek, naked foot runs, musical chairs, falling accurately to your death, limerick contests etc.. (For recent awards, check our subreddit!) Monday night is Monday Mayhem! - we run Mythic+ to get everyone their weekly +10. Every Saturday at 1pm is Casual Dog Daycare - our Normal alt/social raid. Once a month, during the Street Fight, we do an achievement run or clear any kind of special content together (e.g. Timewalking Black Temple). Finally, we have a bunch of altoholics, and if we’re really tired of life, we might even fish together.
All members are 18+ and mostly students/working, and so the guild (Discord) is most active in the evenings. We are all pretty chill people, and we like to keep it that way. We don’t tolerate drama or immature behavior.
We do not recruit the character. We recruit the person behind the character.
- we log all our raids and are happy to help you with your log
- we stream all our raids over at www.twitch.tv/CasualPizzaCats
- we have our own little guild economy: buying (war packages) cheaper off guild bank than AH
- we hang out on Discord:
- our subreddit has more info: reddit.com/r/CasualPizzaCats
APPLY HERE: https://goo.gl/forms/XKCpT9AF18juYy9k2
One of our recruiters will get in touch with you afterwards!