Elemental 11.0.5 in PvP - I gave it a chance and

There is plenty of misinformation in these changes.

First of all Echo Chamber said 40% but it’s 40% if the current Mastery. So 40% of 25% is 35%.

Lava Eruption is good but extremely annoying on Farseer as your Ancestors Lava Bursts also lower the duration of Flame Shock. It means it expires before you finish your burst. Even if you combine Fire Ele with Ascendance it will still expire before you finish. Something has to be done about it or new Ele will be extremely annoying.

Ascendance will be stronger in later seasons for sure but now I’m not sure.

For now my biggest concern is Lava Erution. If this gets fixed then Elemental feels playable to me. I won’t be happy as now but I can take it probably.


After some more testing. Ele in 11.0.5 is just bad and I don’t see any hope. Damage isn’t there. Thanks Blizzard for 20th anniversary “gift”

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