Elemental 4mil in 1.1seconds

I just got hit for over 4million damage in less than 1.1seconds by an elemental in WSG, i was playing protection warrior and had maybe 2 or 3 stacks carrying flag… this is out of control and utterly broken - they are as bad in arena also… please blizzard nerf elemental ASAP. Thanks.


It’s prepatch and technically you are not max level at this moment, wait until you are level 80 with full hero talents and I’m pretty sure you won’t get one shotted then.

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hes not either max lvl to be doing that much dmg, regardless every bg top dmgs are eles, the spec seems busted


So, did I understand right that he has to wait the game to be fixed while paying his subscription? That was a nice excuse my friend, are you a blizzard employee?


sorry but deserved as a pvp tank


Everyone talks about ele but uh/frostk dk and affliction warlock are broken more than ele. I joined a blitz at 1.8k yesterday, enemy team had 3 dks and my team had 1 dk. They were top 4 dps. I probably got pulled with Death Grip at least 50 times in total. It was unplayable.


The thing is, an ele shaman doesn’t need to be within melee range to do damage, also all his damage is instant and aoe. He has got a lot of utility also. He is tankier than a mage, does more damage than a mage, has decent mobility. Playing a DK requires some brain at least but I am not trying to say they are not OP, they are, but ele shamans are even more broken. All their damage is literally one single spell and one dot.

What exactly to you want me to say? you do realize that ele literally bypass any armor yeah? :smiley:

Had the same, running flag in Guardian, even with Barkskin and Ironfur up and still just being almost instantly obliterated by an Ele.

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Want you to stop giving these bs excuses like “this is just a prepatch, just wait another month and pray that the things will get better when you are max lvl”. It sounds disgusting because you protect Blizzard which gives us garbage pvp experience for more than one month while we are paying our subs. And the prepatch can be an excuse. In any other popular games shamans would be nerfed next day. That is what I am trying to say.

Tell me you are shaman player without being shaman player (10 lvl character btw). Uh/frost dk is nowhere near ele level of being boosted. Yes, its good, even OP, but have you seen it oneshotting anyone? Me not, however Ive seen dozens of ele shamans oneshotting people, while being just as tanky as DK. And on top of that they are range and have AoE totems that help whole team.

And affli lock, really? It needs to cast things, its nowhere as tanky as it used to be (DL nerf). It can’t oneshot people, the best burst it has is one channel on 45s CD and the observer on 2min CD. Both are telegraphed and easy to play against. Also you have tons of dispells rn in the game. Sounds like real skill issue tbh.

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It makes sense, we don’t even have access to our fullest potential due to the time-gated period of pre-patch that we are forced to wait, and what if Ele had an damage modifier that increased his overall damage due to the 30% berserk buff? on top of his target being on stacks of 3-4 due to the flag carrier debuff, isn’t he suppose to one shot it? besides Protection Warriors don’t even have much in the form of magic mitigation regardless, the only defensives they got is shield wall, spell reflection along with defensive stance and that’s about it. Ignore damage, sure, it can reduce it to an extend but it still not going to mitigate that much.

Also, it was a blitz, blitz everything stacks up quick, and the healers should’ve of paid more attention to the situation, was this protection warrior communicating it to the team ‘hey guys, I’m going in to capture the flag’ If only he had a healer he might’ve of just pulled it off, but just cause he is a tank, in a blitz set up, doesn’t mean he is unkillable.

And no, I’m not defending Blizzard, even I get one shotted occasionally, but a lot of people in here tend to forget that PvP Battlegrounds isn’t a single-player experience, it is a teamwork effort, you work with your team mates to deal with adversities and situations.

As I said before.

Sorry to disappoint you Sherlock, but daddy is MM. I just said uh/frost dk and aff lock are broken as ele and everyone who is playing blitz can approve that. Scoreboard doesn’t lie. I don’t understand why are you so offensive like a shaman has killed your family :joy:

Affli lock is broken and who says otherwise is clown.

Or a clown and an affli abuser at the same time like you:


Sure, it is what it is.

Everyone - is that everyone with us in this room right now? Scoreboard doesn’t lie - what scoreboard? Damage done? You do understand certain classes have certain roles in blitz? Eg. afflock should always be on top, because of its gameplay. You do not burst down people or CC them into oblivion, you keep being annoying. And about DK, if I got a penny for everytime I heard about DK or Ret being OP on 2.2k mmr+, then Id have them probably like 5-10. If I got one for everytime I heard it about ele, Id get about 50.
Youre just a skill issue honey :slight_smile:

Actually I prefer destro, this was the first season I played affli because of PvE folks choosing bad tier set. And thank you for saying what “daddy” is playing, so I didnt have to waste my time checking you. Maybe I would be offended, but huntard cant really call anyone a clown, youre a whole circus already xD. The funniest thing is - ele shaman requires hands, DK requires hands, the only clowns are FOTM people for the prepatch. But MM? As I said, whole circus, no matter prepatch or not xD.
Glhf 10 lvl character.

You have IQ and arguments of a new born. You clearly don’t play/understand the game yet only give freakish answers. I haven’t disgusted from a person that much for a long time. Welcome to my ignore list.

Dont tanks take extra damage in pvp?.. Why are you even playing prot warrior in pvp rofl?

Not sure what you are talking about, in RBG’s, a tank is required for most maps… especially a capture the flag map…

The shaman did not have berserker buff, 2-3 stacks is nothing, I was in defense stance, and I may have even had my shieldwall up at the time this shaman one-shot me…

With regards to healers, how can a healer counter a one-shot that hits 4million damage in 1.1seconds…?

There is nothing normal about hitting 4million in around 1second…