Elemental in TWW

And Primordial Wave is now Elemental school not shadow so it linkes with Elemental Equilibrium. I’m not a fan of on use Ascendance though. Many people go for it but imo it’s meh. With 3 targets doted you have enough procs. Don’t listen to any NA “expert” telling you otherwise.

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So farseer is way to go in pvp? Is it stronger than strombringer? Havent tested ele yet in beta.

Atm Farseer is not only stronger than Stormbringer, but it feels better and more fluid to use.

Stormbringer has issues on it’s own, but the mastery stat rework really hurt it because the whole point of Lightning bolts were their guaranteed overloads. Stormkeeper still does decent damage, but overall lightning bolts feel less impactful due to overloads dealing much less damage since the new mastery also nerfed talents like SoP and PotM. And even though you can get some big cast time reductions on LB and CL, it still feels much more stationary compared to Farseer and Lava builds. And above all, Tempest doesn’t feel good or impactful in pvp (and in PvE it is not that amazing either). Keep in mind that all of this could potentially change with tuning, but I still view Stormbringer as something more suited for battlegrounds.

Compared to that, Farseer plays into our current DF Lava Burst playstyle and is much more mobile and gives more instants.

Yes, there are less Lava Surge procs overall, but you still get them often enough to be mobile and to build your other damage windows.

Big thing is the new Icefury+Fusion talents combo. I am starting to repeat myself, but I can’t describe how good this new talent combo feels. It feels like a proper elementalist weaving elements. And since new Icefury procs off of Lava Burst, naturally Lava build/Farseer plays better into that - more LvBs, more Icefury procs. On beta it procced quite a lot, and often back to back. The buffed Flux Melting also plays into this well.

The sequence would go something like this:

Make sure you have Icefury proc, Lava Surge proc and enough maelstrom for Earth Shock/Elemental Blast (if you feel like taking it).

You go IF >LvB> ES>EB procs>FrS>LvB>FrS>LvB, during which Icefury and Frost Shocks are dealing 400-500k, Lava Bursts are nearing 900k and I had Elemental Blasts procs critting for over 1.3 million.

And all of this is without cds. You can do all of this inside a Primordial Wave go with new Totem of Wrath for even more damage.

Not only is this combo really fun and interactive in my opinion, since you are using a lot of other abilities, crit stat does not feel bad or useless at all.

In adittion to all of this, Farseer has better PvP defensive nodes and the Elemental Blast the Ancestors cast upon expiring is full value, and hits like a truck. Infact, I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets nerfed. Elemental Blast is so powerful that I am actually picking it over Earth Shock for fun factor - you can incorporate it in the Icefury combo above by using Swiftness on it and proccing Fusion Elemental Blast right away, since it counts as both fire and nature spell, for maximum burst. Keep in mind this is purely for fun and vanity value, in practical arena setting the normal Earth Shock will probably be better overall due to it being instant and since You can only use 1 instant EB per minute and the punishment for getting kicked on it locks is being locked on all schools.

As for Ascendance, the verdict is still not in. The fact it is still 3 minutes cooldown without the First Ascendant talent is bad.

However, I got to have some fun with it combined with Totem of Wrath, Shamanism (which is now classwide), Preeminence (which gives 25% haste during Ascendance) and Splintered elements.

Have 3-4 FS ticking, pop Primordial into LvB, use Ascendance and keep spamming those LvB with over 100% haste, and with some good rng, DRE will proc for maximum Lava Burst gunmachine feel.

primordal into acendence good burst though and even if not you could always play the 25% acendence buff which is worth 100%.

idk that doesnt sound that amazing. 1.3 CRITS compared to 900k lavabursts.

ye thats what i meant too.


prob and hope they need to tune it better,
Like feral druid suddenly energy starving now in the war within.

his build is terrible


Still RNG. Primordial is Elemental school now and 30 sec CD so it procs Elemental Equilibrium. I prefer this path because with 3x Flame Shocks procs are already fine. Keep in mind we will have higher baseline Haste because set pieces have lower ilvl and we don’t have access to crafted PvP pieces etc. So I believe this might just be the overkill.

Overall I think that people overreact. The amount of procs is like season 1 DF. People got used to season 4 DF 4 set and overall gameplay so now they overract with Ascendance imo.

what is rng?

its a guarenteed aoe lavaburst + 25% haste buff + increased flameshock dmg during that duration.
Dont see any reason to not pick that.

But lets see the numbers when the season starts. Its hard to tell right now.

It also procs with DRE that’s what I mean by RNG. And that was the main reason people picked this one up.

I don’t look at numbers too much as they are definetely going to change. There is 0 chance Elemental Blast stays like this.

Ye still many changes will happen. Maybe we shouldnt watch the numers to much. Kinda discouraging

I am also leaning more towards Ascendance+Preeminence instead of Echo of the Elementals and Everlasting Elementals. Maybe just Ascendance instead of EoE…just seems better to have that guaranteed DRE for big Primordial Wave go instead of lesser elementals.

Does EoE give the dmg reduction buff and 10% fire damage done like the regular elemental?

I only pick EoE to be able to pick Skybreaker’s as I don’t see any other path available besides going for some Lightning spells. I believe EoE also keeps Fire buff.

You are right. EoE is needed.

Maybe drop Mountains will fall? With the nerfed mastery it doesnt feel impactful?

But then you cannot go for Elemental Equilibrium. It’s eaither EE or Ascendance.

I’m not convinced with Ascendance yet because as I said we will have more haste due to crafts and higher ilvl of the set pieces maybe Ascendance will be not necessary then.

I want Elemental Equilibrium for a bigger blast every 30 sec that kinda syncs with most stuns in the game. Storm Bolt, Kidney, Chaos Nova etc. for deadly swaps. Ascendance is imo a huge investment for a CD where you have to stand and cast. A lot of people even made sacrifice and took Spiritwalker’s Grace aura mastery to cast on it but imo it’s too much of investment for a CD that most people will peel/CC/try to interrupt.

thats even more reason to pick it. Thats insane.

more haste = always better. Even right now in S4 of DF 25% haste would be massive.

Yea he did a new video now saying the opposite currently its crazy tbh prob too crazy

Energy is fine if they buff single target bleeds a bit in pvp, the difference isnt big compared to Df when it comes to Energy

Typical Youtube guys what wants to farm as much views as possible with clickbait stuff

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