Elemental in TWW

Lot less instant Lava Burst spam, more hard casting. Due to changes in how the damage profile is structured and encourages different elements weaving, botting will probably be impossible.

Hard casts with current tuning can seriously hurt. Stormkeeper will probably be back.

Will be more powerful against casters because Seasoned Winds no longer takes a pvp spot.

Will it be a demise of the spec or much healthier for pvp? Dunno, but it is more fun.


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More then zero?


Hahah yes.

Lava Surge procs less when multiple targets are affected by Flame Shock and they completely removed the talent which gives a free Lava Surge proc after Earth Shock.

They said flame shock will have a lower lava surge proc chance the more targets it affects but that it will have a significantly higher proc rate when active on just 1 or 2 targets.
Depending how the builds work in TWW this might be a nerf in m+ for sure but in pvp its a straight up buff lol, how often do you have more than 2 or 3 flameshocks up in 3v3 after all? This would be way more consistent and also maybe make ele in 2s a bit more playable.

I would love to see a general return to hard casting across all casters, not fully but way more than current for sure. BUT it would need to come with a corresponding reduction in melee mobility and micro cc’s across the board.

Will need to see what its like after all the beta tuning it done and the expansion comes out but yeah… Losing the earthshock lava surge talent doesnt sound good that talent alone is what makes arena playable for me not having to rely solely on RNG procs.

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Currently on beta, 3 Flame Shocks ticking and the procs seem scarcer, but that is also probably due to low haste, typical for expansion starts.

A bigger offender is the removal of Windspeakers…you will deffo notice it.

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Im very curious how the mastery rework will be, they changed overloads to only deal 25% damage right? Sounds like mastery will be a total dump stat for us…
Even in current game mastery as ele is just poorly designed, unless you can get mastery to like 80% its just not good, its 85% extra damage essentially but entirely on an RNG basis, if you have bad RNG you gain nothing whereas most classes mastery is just a raw damage increase etc.
Ele and enhance have always been classes that feel disproportionally affected by low stats at the beginning of an expansion. All classes get better with higher item level but ele and enhance feel way more gimped at lower item levels.

New mastery sets buffs all damage by a percent, and gives a chance at an 25% fixed overload, 35% with talent. Overall it is healthier by design, but the current tuning seems too low. It needs to be stronger because all of our talents focusing on overloads are now a lot weaker. The good news is our baseline spells seem to hit harder now and ele damage overall seems lower, but with stronger, more impactful instances (this is from my limited testing on pvp dummy and couple of skirmishes).

It seems they removed all the pvp modifiers (that means on Stormkeeper and Ele Blast).

Stormkeeper hits like a truck atm, and it feels good but you must go Stormbringer.

Primordial into Ascendance feels bursty too, but you need to go Farseer.

Outside those two, the new Ice fury and buffed Frost shock are a decent and instant spike of damage, with the downside of being rng. It still works better with Lava build.

Storm build with all the modifiers, crit talents and cast reduction talents will probably require Volcanic Surge pvp talent. However, the potential cast times on LB and CL are ridiculously low.

Overall, there is hardly a scenario in which not using all types spells won"t be used because they all benefit from eachother in some way.

can’t wait for another expansion where Ele is fun and good compared to Enha and cannibalizes all the comps Enha wants to play but isnt invited cause Ele is just better


Yeah i hope we see a return of lightning bolt outside of just stormkeeper. The base damage for lightning bolt just now is just absolutely pitiful all because they balance it around stormkeeper and the “potential” overloads.

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It’s just tiny a bit less procs. Keep in mind it’s the first season of the expansion so stats are low, on PTR you have no access to crafted PvP gear as nobody has recipes, your set pieces are normal raid ilvl. You will have way more haste in the actual season.

Also don’t know what build you played but I hope not the one Supatease put in his video. Also he doted one dummy and expected to get procs. With 3 targets doted and Fire Ele up you actually get a bit less procs than in DF (don’t compare it to the current season but season 1). Skybreaker’s and Farseer passive lower the CD of Fire Ele significantly and that’s how you get procs and maelstrom.

Stormbringer is meh though. Going full into lightning is bad. Tempest is awful. Not only it replaces Lightning Bolt that actually deals more damage it also has to be hardcasted. If you don’t spend the proc or cancelaura it you cannot get that 1 stack of Stormkeeper every 50 sec. For now I made macro on every spell /cancelaura Tempest and it’s actually playable haha.

I hope they either make it that you can use Tempest with Stormkeeper or make it separate spell because getting Tempest proc for now is a punishment not a reward. Other than that Stormkeeper actually pumps. Stormbringer reminds me early DF S1 Ele but needs tome adjustments to be fine. Farseer Lava Burst build is just good. Ele might not be the top dog but it’s definetely playable.

Oh and meeles will be happy. Static Field Totem is now 1,5 min. CD. From bad new Ele got Shamanism like Enha and new Skyfury (Totem of Wrath) just pops up when you press Primordial Wave so it’s quicker to burst.

Also Healing Surges feel a bit undertuned at the moment. They heal way more % of your max HP on retail than on beta. I hoped Ancestral Swiftness will be my “Healthstone” that I can also use on someone else but sadly it’s much weaker. Other than that I’m optimistic.

Overall I’m optimistic. Played one shuffle and did ok with 170 ping. My opponents weren’t too good but it compensated my ping “affix”. I think Ele is fine. Elemental Blast maybe hits a bit too hard. Healing Surge heals not enough. Tempest needs a bit more love but other than that it’s fine.

There are few problems with Enha. Besides Warrior and currently overtuned Rogue spec it doesn’t really have good partners. WW/Enha/X is a meme in EU among some top Enha players “maybe this time it will work in EU”. I’ve seen Axiom playing with Demo sometimes but that’s it. This spec doesn’t offer much. Ret/Arms/X is just better version of Turbo. With nerfs to Ascendance builds there is no other option than playing Elementalist build which is “Elemental after stroke”. The only reason why Enhancement didn’t get true rework is that both Elementalist and Ascendance spec work in M+ and Raids and PvP doesn’t matter that much to devs. In their eyes Enha is one of the best designed specs.

What do you think about new Icefury+Elemental Fusion talents and their interaction?

I tested it and it feels really good with Farseer, because it procced quite a lot. Both Icefury, buffed Frost Shocks and Elemental Blast proc hit decent, and all of this was like a rng burst window.

Are you talking only about the proc EB or did you take it by default? From the testing I did, it is by far our hardest hitting single ability.

What I did in a duel - procced Icefury, and used Ancestral Swiftness on EB, and since it counts as both nature and fire, it triggered the second EB right away. Easy 50% of the hp gone without crits.

I would really like to take EB, since there is no more Windpeaker, normal Earth Shock doesn"t feel good. EB atleast hits hard, can be made instant during setup and outside of it, the damage payoff seems decent for the punishment of getting interrupted.

I’ve always thought of EB as the old Wrath LvB, a true hard hitter. It costs more maelstrom, it needs to be hardcasted outside of Swiftness, getting kicked on it locks you out of 3 schools. Reward to risk scenario.

I play Earth Shock but Elemental Blast also procs at full power when your Ancestor expires so there is absolutely no need to take it as a talent.

Icefury is indeed nice and helps with Maelstrom generation but I’m not struggling with procs at the moment.


That’s my build at the moment

I just hate that the casted EB from the ancestor hits the nearest target, instead of your focus target. Would it be too OP if it did that?

So far it did damage to my target. I didn’t notice it hitting the closest one. Imo Skybreaker’s is the game changer. With Farseer’s talent to lower CD on Fire Ele you have very good uptime on it. And what Fire Ele does? It makes your Flame Shock tick 33% faster = more maelstrom and procs. I don’t know why so many people skip it. Also Skybreaker’s increases Crit chance on Flame Shock. I know it’s not the damage that scores a kill but it actually increases damage by a lot.

Oh and I forgot I love our new raid buff. It literally works with our every good partner.

against every dk, hunter, demo, rdruid lobby but yes in general i think its good to not be forced to spam flameshock on every cd to do max dps like you play m+.

im also a bit sceptical but also curious how ele will be in TWW.

with no 4 set, no lavaburst proc and less primordal waves and not the big overloads im not sure if the current spam lavaburst playstyle is still possible.

But in general i think its a good thing. Lets see how much hardcasting ele has to do and how much dmg ele will do.

thats really good.

is icefury even doing dmg?

i heard stormkeeper pumps so dont see a reason to play icefury and not play stormkeeper/acendence

this is the build i would play without knowing the exact numbers on icefury/stormkeeper with how ele is playing right now in mind.

Hexiona and myself have tested a build with Skybreaker’s Fiery demise, Farseer.

Skybreaker was the originial to go to talent before season 3, and with it on beta, the maelstrom generation feel ok. As stated before, on beta there are no pvp crafted gear yet and tier is only normal, so our stats are lower.

Icefury felt decent on it’s own, both the proc rate and damage (it hit for around 450kish, more or less, buffed Frost shocks around the same). However the real prize is the the Elemental Blast proc. At 60% effectivness, I got 1.3 million crits with it which is insane for a proc.

As I wrote before, Elemental Blast is by far our hardest hitting ability, including the one casted by Ancestory upon expiring.

Overall, I think ele damage profile is much more fun than current retail. Lava surge procs still exist, but they are a bit less frequent and enable Icefury windows.

So we are doing less pad, but have more impactful instances of burst damage.

ye obviously that talent is a no brainer for me too.

hm okay ye interesting. how often does icefury proc though?

sounds good i think even though i enjoy current ele

Can’t say for sure because the tooltip doesn"t state it anywhere. With 3 shocks ticking on dummies, it felt like 3 times per minute.

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Forgot to mention, Primordial CD has been reduced to 30 seconds on beta. The talent tooltip on wowhead still shows 45 seconds.

oh thats actually insane. very nice