Elemental Lariat recipe drop highly bugged

First of all I know drop rate WAS extremaly low but since 10.1.5 (possibly even 10.1.0) no single recipe droped.

Im alone farming this since 10.0 and i’m close to 2000 attempts and created ingame community for sharing rare mobs spawns. Saw it droped 4 times but during 10.0 and 10.0.5. Now it is hard to even find it on AH since it doesn’t drop anymore.
I belive there are several bugs causing this like rares spawning without elemental storm buff, not all rares even drop it in first place, flying rares despawns in Tyrhold and brackenhide, rares like Morchok don’t drop it anymore (which is fair but need clarification).

I think we need some word from support stuff just to be sure you guys noticed issue and working on fix or rework for drop of this recipe. So please blizz, answer to us or atleast give us clarification which rares exactly drop it and if they need to have buff from storm.

Ps. I know lariat was nerfed and there are stronger embellishments but that’s not point of this thread. Point is bug with drop.

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