Elemental tier set nerfed again

What is wrong with you Blizzard? Mentally disabled devs? Ele was off meta for all of season 1 in PVE and now you keep nerfing them in S2? What have you litteral idiots been smoking plz tell me I wanna try…

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Come come calm down. Its a 10% nerf your Tier was 20% buff atkeast 10% higher then other classes its inline of every other class set.

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Hunter player opinions are litteraly worhtless

Better now? Sorry neh.

well ele is off meta because:
-earth quake is absolutely the worst ability ever existing
-ele is squishy
-does absolutely horrible st dmg and bad aoe if tank is moving

the st gameplay in aoe spec is so horredous that i just dont even want to play tyrannical and rather do my resto dmg dealing which feels more effective lol


i like this change tbh. it’s much easier to optimize your rotation now. imagine if they just mega-nerfed us instead to bring us down…

having 1 SK instead of 2 makes it easier to line up with EB

having less maelstrom generation makes it easier to not overcap.

and don’t forget the buffs we got to our core abilities because of this tier nerf

W blizz

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