Ele/Resto Shaman looking for a friendly guild


I am Elemental/Resto Shaman (282 ilvl), playing Alliance on Silvermoon-EU and I am looking for a friendly, like-minded guild, to chat, hang out and play with.

Usually I play solo, since most of my time I am spending in the old content, trying to catch up (started to play in December last year), explore and hunt tmogs, mounts, reputations and achievements (big collectionist). But in my journey I wouldn’t mind to get company. Occasionally I like to join M+ and raids, too. Last season I got my KSM, but this season I feel pretty anxious and lazy to reach it again.

My working schedule is in a mess, but I am interested to put my focus on raiding or M+ runs, usually around or after 20:00 I am online. Mostly looking for people or guild to have a good time, no need to be raiding guild.

EDIT: I would like to stay on my current realm since all my characters are here.

Hey there, if you are willing to change server we can be a perfect fit for you we are on tarren mill hord

Hello :slight_smile:

Allthough we are on Deathwing and Horde, should a transfer/faction change be possible, maybe I may direct you to my post Lux Aeterna (H) - Deathwing LF more

We are a very friendly guild and we do different sorts of content. Mostly raiding and M+ but we have some die hard old content peeps gathering mounts, transmogs etc.
We are very social on Discord and ingame.

My Discord is Ishy#9200 should you be interested. Otherwise I wish you the best of luck finding a new home.

Regards Ishtira

Hey there!

Ministry of Silly Wipes could be for you, if you don’t mind a realm change? =)

Give the thread I linked a read, and please add me if we sound like what you’re after, or have any questions!
Westie#2496 both in-game, and on Discord ^^