Elite icon next hp nameplate

i have seen people having the tiny golden/silver dragon next enemies nameplates.
i dont know how to do it.
whenever i see elite their nameplate is normal.
i think it would ease if i saw the small golden dragon next to their health, to faster regonize elite mobs and harder mobs.

and to clarify nameplate, this is example: ht tps://cdn-wow.mmoui.com/preview/pvw67712.jpg

It’s usually an indication of some kind of rare if the mob has a dragon around it’s portrait. Unfortunately I couldn’t get that link to work (after removing the space) so I’m not sure what you mean. Sorry if I’m on the wrong track.

Silver Dragon = Rare Spawn
Golden Dragon = Elite, harder to kill mob

im very sorry. it had .om
http s://cdn-wow.mmoui.com/preview/pvw67712.jpg

Highlight the link and use the “</>” option. :wink:



yeah as you can see the hp bars, i wish to see a elite or rare spawn icon next to it.

Probably those people are using addons for it, because Blizzard’s standard UI doesn’t show them.

Unfortunately i don’t know the addon

yeah i have been searching for addons for a day.

Try this:


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