Elite PvP sets from season 2 are here on the PTR!

Couldn’t agree more, mythic non mythic… this seasons leather elite set is just … beyond… lame, embarrassing and cheap looking.

These are just legendaries sets. Also color templates for pvp are disgusting. Meh this is just lazy. This and a new mediocre zone make it look like they had a massive budget cut.

Yeah if you play a disc/holy priest

that’s exactly what i play :slight_smile:

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They did say we’d be able to have the legendaries as sets to mog with. Guess that answers the question on how they’d implement it

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Have to agree on that one, even if i do like the heroic raid colour scheme as well.

On an off-topic note then i was tabbed out of the game when you waved at my in the Maw some days ago. Sorry for missing it.

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SL ones are not that bad, I mean they suck of course, but not as hard as BFA.

The colors are dull, but I guess they chose them to fit the Gladiator mount, which is the same color.

all bfa sets are trash except Lion plate set which is best set out there.

I don’t know, I love this season’s plate elite set.

And the elite sets don’t suck in general because they got lowered to 1800 rating. They suck because they’re not class-specific sets. And because they’re not class-specific, the devs can’t make it themed around any class, so they look generic.

I miss when PvP sets were class-specific and different from the PvE sets.

Compare it to mythic version that’s what the pvp elite plate should have been.

They said they’d return class tier sets some time during SL

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