Both somewhat expected and underwhelming at the same time. Elite PvP plate looks kinda underwhelming, that dusty-white doesn’t quite fit the armor style for me, they pulled it off way better with subverting cloth set for white.
The elite leather set is exactly the same as the normal raid difficulty set, so is that elite set just a place holder and not the real one yet? It’s literally the exact same except for the diamond glow on the helm is a slightly different tint if you look closely.
i still can’t get why Myth sets are RED, red was always T2 colour. I mean. even current cloth set is yellow, mything is red, just wtf? Bring back RED for ELITE.
It’s called “asset reuse”. They’ve been doing that for elite sets for a very long time, very few elite sets have been original designs in the lifespan of WoW as a whole.
It’s just that people want their elite sets to be instantaneously recognizable, but ever since BFA started they’ve been way too bland more often than not.
That was always sort of the intent. The sets have existed in the game since Beta and share appearance with the legendary items because the background for them is the same. The stuff the Runecarver makes is the stuff you find in Torghast. It’s all his design.
Now we get to raid Torghast and collect the entirety of these sets, so there’s some story implication as well – although the reveal is a bit watered-down when you get it through Wowhead.
Excitement-wise it’s not a huge revelation, because we’ve already seen the appearances before. But aesthetically speaking, they seemed to be quite popular when they were initially datamined. I’d expect lots of people to use them for transmogrification.
For Arena it’s always a bit weird, because Arena has nothing to do with the raid or the story, but the combatant-looking PvP armor in the past wasn’t appreciated that much, so alas it becomes the raid re-color, which is fine I think.
Cool sets. Will be popular. I’ll definitely transmogrify the cloth set for my Shadow Priest. Not sure what color though…