Elite PvP Tabards


So, to start off with, there has been Elite PvP tabards in the game since Season 6 (Furious, 2009) and since then, many has been implemented in each expansion.

Yet, some expansion and seasons had no tabards added (All of cataclysm, season 1 in MoP (Malevolent) etc.

This video shows all the old tabards (updated till SL s2)
Youtube → watch?v=6N1dQRST9sk

I think it’s about time the people who earned the required rating in the seasons/expansions where no tabards where put into the game, could get a chance to purchase these. It wouldn’t take long to design these, as I see the Timewalking vendors get tabards available all the time. (weird prioritisation)

  • Mute

I agree, so much potential for nice designs for those tabards which are missing.
Shouldn’t take long to put those in the game for a dev or two (: