Why are some “high end” players so toxic in lower brackets. They insult others damage, and say how superior they are. Then when someone raises a voice, they get rating bashed and then they brag about being Gladiator. A Devast Evoker was really bragging and insulting others in the RBG.
There’s no need.
They want some attention afterall they spent hundreds of euros on it
99% of the time a ‘Gladiator’ is flaming you they got it from DF S1 or SL S2 or much earlier - if this is the case then you can roughly compare it to getting duelist in shuffle, because thats about the skill level you were talking about with these glads.
In other cases they just straight up bought it. Theres one on the forums that regularly tries to ego people and he bought every single title on his account - admitted to it himself, yet he still tries to ego people. Its insane.
The only rating and MMR that matters in the entire game is the current one. Yes its really cool that you have a gladiator drake from Cataclysm and damn it looks so cool your Wrath tabard and woah thats a nice elite set - but it is utterly meaningless if today in 2024 you’re 1700 MMR with a negative W/L.
Ask them to put on their Gladiator title and watch them scramble lol
id assume it starts off as people underperforming and almost griefing some bgs, like eots capping flag, or people ghosting carts and and bases and losing them
and when pointe dout the 36% winratio 1.5mmr player will prob say “shut up please” and thats prob when things go south in chat.
(ofc its not shut up please, but these damn forum rules don’t even let me write acronism, man the world is going to rot in 10 years we cannot even say hi in chat i promise).
I experience less tox from higher rated brackets/people than from 1.3 mmr rated people calling everyone an idiot but himself for losing.
Thats true
i experienced the most toxic chat and egos when i helped my little brother climb out of 1,2k mmr
OP should probably fix their own attitude in this regard.
Every single blitz i’ve seen you, you cry in chat about how team is bad lol
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Pretty much! It’s scary how the world’s turning this soft.
That’s wrong. You must have a different person in your RBGs. I ain’t played for a while on this char.
I assume ur borthers nickname is “brother…”? It has to be right? I wanna know,if thats the case its so cool!
Not wrong. Both you and your DK duo were always complaining in bg chat about team being bad during prepatch.
Don’t feed them, juts right click and report them.
are you the horde priest from Stormscale with the same name? the accents are on different characters but its a disc priest , stormscale, vulpera or goblin or something, Pikachu
Its not you who constantly sitting in elwynn hanging out and chatting with those gladiators that are toxic as hell?
Pretty sure I saw you there often enough.
It’s funny because during pre-patch, I came across another Priest called Pikachu, and we ended up grouping up on that day lmao. Small world.
I ain’t been to Elwyn in such a long time lol
See how he accuse you Pikachu from Hellfire even when you say he must be wrong.
I agree with what magegod said. Love most of you but not those who even say I got a goblin. It is vulpera and panda!!
I had the opposite experience, at like 2.5-2.9 mmr is the worst. 1 mistake the whole team is on your a*s.