Looking forward to attending this! Cheers for the initiative.
Praise Elune! Love this idea! <3
Public service announcement: there’s a sermon and discussion hosted by Arialla at 8pm server, for Alliance players, at Feathermoon Stronghold. Don’t miss it!
Smell that ? It’s the scent of coping.
A big thank you to everyone that attended for the first Elune Community Sermon!
We had a grand old turnout of a full raid group and enjoyed a very thoughtful moral tale from our lovely hostess!
On Monday 6th 8:00pm Server Time on HORDE we will be gathering at Fal’adora for our next community sermon! The topic is “The Black Moon & Our Future.”
Thank you to all those that attended my sermon tonight, It was nice to see so many turn out to take part.
Thank you for the event! It was lovely and I look forward to the next gathering! Loved the story adaptation.
A few screenshots of Monday’s sermon:
Sounds like a cool initiative! Hope you have fun
The Night elf sermon was a smashing success! Let us hope that the next one will be just as fun!
Reminder, this is tonight!
Don’t miss out, it’s going to be great!
The next sermon will be on 13th July at 2000hrs in Feathermoon, for Alliance based Elune followers. - Main post above also updated.
What’s this? A sermon, tomorrow, in Feathermoon Stronghold? You should come. Yes, you.
Faith can’t truly hurt in dire times…
Next Gathering:
- On Monday July 27th - from 2015hrs realm time ( start to assemble) - Sermon starts 2030hrs.
- Location: Feathermoon Stronghold - Feralas.
- Open to: Alliance Faction
- A Sermon hosted by Priestess Arialla Starheart.
This weeks will be about keeping faith in uncertain times and the danger of losing ones way.
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