ElvUI Addon

Great looking UI but I’m struggling to change anything. I want to move my action bars but can’t seem to find any setting to do so, trying to move my health bar, quests, exp bar, portrait (it’s just a myriad of different coloured boxes lol?), and then theres a “loot/trade” box that I’m uncertain of. I’m overwhelmed.

  • /elvui
  • Toogle anchor

Move your stuff around


Also when moving the stuff around, hold shift to move in smaller increments to line up your bars etc. It is very overwhelming, but it is worth it in the end,

/ec also works.

Thanks. Two more questions:

i). My “objectives” or quests can’t be moved, how do I move it?

ii). I can’t seem to change the enemy health to it’s exact amount instead of just a percentage. And show the enemies debuffs on target.

“toggle anchors” and then you can move it

for the few things you can not move with elvui, you can try “move anything”, another addon. Though it’s been a long time since I actually needed it because elvui can move pretty much everything these days.

/elvui → unit frames → target

I can’t move quests with “toggle anchors”.

Also buffs/debuffs are enabled. Can’t see a poisoned debuff on target for example.

yes you can, it’s called “objective frame”

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This is a good place to start for various customisation, and includes the changes you need to make to set Health bar text. I have mine set to:

Shows the unit’s current health, and maximum health, separated by a dash

Ok so the target has the correct HP, but the actual unitframes of the actual enemy, not the target, but the HP that comes up right above the enemy. How do i change that to current HP and show the buffs/debuffs right above the enemy. Again not on target.

What you’re looking for is: NamePlates > Enemy NPC (and Player for pvp) > Health > Text Format. [health:current] should give you raw values. Then in the list where you selected Health, go down to Debuffs and make sure that’s enabled.

If you want more options for the text format, check out Available Tags on the far left, and look under the Health heading.

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Ahh amazing so I’ve got enemy NamePlates with their exact HP but Debuffs is enabled and still doesn’t show them above the NamePlate.

I’m afraid I’m not sure what’s missing, then. That was enough for my Frost Fever debuff to show up on untargeted enemies.

It’s showing the debuff when I disarm or stun an enemy, but not for poisons?

I use elv ui but I’m a bit of a noob and always break it so I now find a profile I like then just copy the code and use someone else’s hard work with a lot of gratitude to that person.

Currently using preaches ui - check YouTube - and that’s all good for me.

8.3 used shadow and light thats quite fancy and nice

I use Kib’s. It’s great to be honest. Small and compact set up, highly recommend.

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