So still completely non-transparent rng but “trust us bro we promise we did it!”
Thats not a “surer” path to anything.
You guys sure live in your own bubble there.
So still completely non-transparent rng but “trust us bro we promise we did it!”
Thats not a “surer” path to anything.
You guys sure live in your own bubble there.
In my personal opinion these legendary RNG Drops are the worst you can do.
Why not going back the way e.g. Shadowmourne was obtainable?
Give everyone who can use it a quest at the beginning.
Put an RNG Element into partial Drops like the shards, instead of making it a Gold sink to finsh the quest.
Players like Holy Paladins can choose to obtain it instead of having it handed to them and probably feel forced to do the quest, because they are feeling bad for their Warri mate who tries to get it since the start of the raid.
I am sure there are also a lot of cons to this way, but for me it looks way better.
Also it matches more to the explanations you’ve given.
You can actually “obtain over the course of a season, demonstrating a display of excellence in the most challenging content”
Give players “a surer path to achieving their goal”
There are too many downside to this RNG crap that you seem to like so much.
/Best Oprah Voice
You get a Fyr’alath!
You get a Fyr’alath!
You get a Fyr’alath!
You get a Fyr’alath!
droprate increased from 0.1% to 0.2%
Cleared every week, 32 small ones, no leggy. 9/9m. Display of excellence. Surely.
This legendary system is completely worthless. And furthermore, does the BLP system really exist or is it just a scam? …
Bring back a system from the old days with a quest that everyone has, and time-gate the quests and item gathering…
Currently, in addition to needing luck to get this axe on which the classes capable of wielding it are “balanced,” we then have to endure a series of insipid, boring quests, just there to make us spend a ton of gold… by having to go through the crafting system where we depend on the rather relative honesty of the community.
There’s no fun in this system, it’s just mind-numbing. And the axe arrives far too late in the season for far too many players.
What I think it should be is just remove the RNG of it.
It is ok that the quest starter drops from the last boss in the raid but it should not be rng, it should be just a 100% drop and also have it as a legendary weapon that morphs for all classes and specs.
Then have a long quest chain attached to it.
No kill x amounts of bosses in m+, raid or any pvp at all but just a long quest chain that takes you all over Azeroth, old and new zones, do gather the things you need to assemble the weapon.
I am ok with it being timegated so perhaps 14 or so stages in wich you can only do one a day. Make the quest involving and immersive. Let the player feel he/she is a part of something great.
This is how you get a player to feel he/she has earned the legendary item.
There are a lot of issues with mythic raiding so I’d not put a strong seasonal item behind such wall. Instead, it should be accessible, but not “LFR raider”-level accessible, and it should be less driven by luck. I guess they tried to implement a system of this kind, but it didn’t work out too well. It is difficult to find a solution to this scenario tho - how do you make a legendary drop be more predictible while it is still shrouded in a bit of mystery for it to feel like a legendary? Tough one.
PvP balances fixes and Demon Hunter nerfs when???
Can we get some communication over something the community is screaming over?
Next time, add “legendaries” as part of a huge questline toward last season. Not RNG.
Problem solved.
Agreed on everything except this being a delusion. They aren’t delusional, they know the system isn’t fair and don’t care, this started aaaaaall the way back with titanforging, Legion legendaries etc.
Take my character, for example. I have cleared heroic in full 3 or 4 times (don’t even know). I have killed 3 mythic bosses ONCE. My item level is 2 levels below someone who has 9/9 mythic, all I have to do is clear piss easy content enough times for a sufficient amount of lockouts and voila.
At this point just hand it out already, make it 100% drop after an x amount Fyrakk kills. Here we are, guildmates have gotten their 3rd legendary on alts. Yet mains do not have it. HOW IS THIS ACCEPTABLE???
Just completed my 12th post-reset after WF kill… annnnnnnnnnnnnnndd!!
Yeah no I still didn’t get it.
Helmet enchant quest should have been quest for legendary… Couple of weeks to obtain , no rng involved
Still not got it and im on 25 fyrakk kills!
We haven’t seen a 25 eur store mount for some time but now they’ve found a way to sell more tokens.
As a genuine LFR-hero; this is what it should have been. Quest-item is a guaranteed drop for classes eligble, then X amount of a currency is needed to complete. Higher difficulty yields more currency, meaning it would take longer for LFR than HC. Want it faster? Do higher difficulty.
Or be like me; happy with the time it takes knowing that I am guaranteed to receive it at the end of the grind.
To spice things up, maybe add a “huge purse of coins” behind RNG for a chance of an additional X amount of currency to keep some of the excitement?
That way luck is still a factor, but it is not all that matters.
I’m happy to see that Devs care community feedbacks. It’s also a bit late decision but it’s still better than nothing.
just dont implement legendaries that every potato can have anyways or even better just dont make leggos at all because some people will always be at a disadvantage and it basically just creates imbalance between classes
I have 12 greater essence and 9 lesser,i have done Fyrakk hc sense the legendary came out. I never saw it drop besides this 1 time for a retri paladin with full green gear from AH “463ilvl pvp” piece’s.
This system is the most retarded i ever seen.i am 485ilvl fury and i cant compete in dps with people that have less ilvl than me because they have the weapon already. Im playing the game sense 2004 being a main warrior for over 19 years. I always had all the legendary weapins we warriors could use, back in days i was the 3 warrior in the server to have illidan glaives, the 7th to have shadowmourne. I didnt had shadowmourne faster because i was the main tank of my guild.
So this RNG system is a complete disaster this game haves.