Emblem Exchange Vendor Broken

The goblin NPC located in Dalaran Sewers intended to function as the Emblem currency exchange vendor is currently not functional and will not allow the trade of Valor to Heroism. Please fix.


Yeah, fix it please :slight_smile:

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/script local function buy (n,q) for i=1,100 do if n==GetMerchantItemInfo(i) then BuyMerchantItem(i,q) end end end buy (“Emblem of Heroism”, 5)
Use this, it works, and yeah, the vendor doest work if you try normal way


Good job Blizzard :).

Its not working for me :confused:

This need to be fixed! Its been 2 days and not even a word on that you are trying to fix it

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The problem is still here for me too :frowning:

Any have any update on this?

Blizz is too busy fixing all the stuff they broke with the last patch …

You and your stupid emblems have to wait, flying aligator in dalaran arena is higher priority !

Don’t forget they need to punish Class Trainers for daring to provide services for free.

5 days and still no fix
what a bug this is, hope the indies will be able to overcome it

How is this even a problem? Just do it by macro and you wont have to click confirm every time you buy one of the badges, you can just spam the macro… variant on the one posted somewhere above
/run BuyMerchantItem(1,1)

The first number is the item, the 2nd is the amount. Change these if you want


How is that a Problem? I dunno, maybe because there shouldn’t be any need to use any workarounds and the function should just work? I get that Blizzard under Activision is a terrible, toxic place but still.


There is an easy workaround. A simple fix you can find on google in a minute. That is not a problem. That is something you forget about and fix 10 months later when you’re bored. Does it give you joy to whine about small, pointless problems that aren’t even problems? Wouldn’t you like to become competent at some point so you don’t need someone holding your hand every step of the way?

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So we’re excusing shoddy work because there’s a solution?

Wow I feel we reached a new lows


Does tooltip items comparison include armor already? Cuz its been half a year now. That’s also your ETA to fix vendors-

A non issue that armor is not included in the tooltip though

Oh wait so Vendor did not work in original WotLK?

/run BuyMerchantItem(1,1)

this works, Valor to Heroism

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Oh no, the emblem vendor is broken! Lets shut down all the servers until we can get it fixed, because someone can’t figure out how to copy-paste.
You are the new low, congrats.