Emblem nerfed

Everyone play bm because the dmg is absolutely insane this xpac.

I agree %heal stuff makes it even more valuable but tbh it will be strong even with the nerf cause of the absurd dmg.

Well, you dont need healers if even dps quit, because I see zero improvements from the current state of the game. Only more issues rising. Its super dead atm. Ppl’s hate towards this game and the company is at its peak. The game is just garbage. Why would ppl even come back for the next season at first place after all these betrayals, lies and half truths and insults to customers?

So its exactly the same for all of us, except enhance goes oom after 4 heals which enhance ALSO has to do damage to be able to obtain - just like ferals and rets. The difference is you can keep that cycle of “do damage - get insta” heal endlessly, whilst enhance is oom after 4 of those cycles, and then on top of that cant even do damage.

No, because we run out of energy? Obviously, we can’t heal endlessly, that would be broken and feral would the best spec in the game. lol

Wow. /10char

counter play is obviously CC the enhance or ret or whatever
feral, ele, boomer, sp is all casted heals and still broken, isn’t it?

if it always was that easy, yeah. But even if purged quickly it usually freed the target of most negative things and allows for a quick instant 1%-100% heal.

knock or mc is very class specific and aside from ring of peace it requires a little time to counter it and often this 2 second window prevents already the kill anyways. A full duration darkness is hardly needed to prevent the kill =)

just saying

enhance also don’t get so quickly 5 msw and it is rng. Many times I died because I had bad rng and just didnt get msw.
In the opener it is also not great and FS just are too slow to regenerate anyways.

ret can just get 3 HP in 2 globals and from range. both on low cd…

you compare energy reg to mana reg?
Also aside from free heals that you get by just doing dmg, you can also just stand there and throw some quick regrowths with 100% crit and mega fast cast time till you are oom, then switch back cat and regen mana while not even needing mana.

and yea feral is currently one of the best specs in the game, at least for 2s where healing is just even more broken

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and yea feral is currently one of the best specs in the game, at least for 2s where healing is just even more broken

Only as necrolord. Meaning that if I do any other content, which I do, I can only play it on a second character specifically made to only do arena with.

Kyrian and Night Fae are solid covenants too for feral, necrolord is kinda broken imo.

“Im only overpowered if im a certain covenant”.

Meanwhile other classes need three expasions of fixes to even be viable.

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well that you can say about any spec.
a dh without night fae is also probably 2 tiers worse

You can’t cc all 3 for that long to kill a guy, enhance play almost only with turbo so someone is all the time free to carry and stop cc’s.

I know vs some comp it’s hard to purge the buff you want but I mean bop is a long cd, it’s obvious next go the guy will not get it.

Also aside from free heals that you get by just doing dmg, you can also just stand there and throw some quick regrowths with 100% crit and mega fast cast time

Why are you talking about it like it comes by default and missing the part about honor talent involved?

till you are oom

Precisely 4 casts, nothing special to others hybrids

Except then you can do the instant free casts while enhance is oom regardless of hardcast (which is a total waste of mana) or MSW-buffed.

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