Emblem nerfed

Next season is going to be so much fun for some classes and a living hell for some.

:roll_eyes: R.I.P.

We have so many ppl wanting to play healers in SL, that we should make it more annoying to reduce the numbers, right?

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They are so wrong again, the problem if people don’t die isn’t emblem but stuff like necrolord shield and auto proc or self heal from enhance/ret/feral that top themself or their team-mate when they should have died.

Well, they probably didn’t get the “ok” from the other developers when the only 2 PvP devs said they wanted to adjust the core of the borrowed powers, and so they’re left with either the BM trinket or the PvP talents.

So they’re buffing damage, bringing in more MS-effects, and nerfing the BM trinket. Just another day at Blizzard HQ.

You’d need to be a true masochist to play as a healer at the start of next season. Swap to prot pala instead, makes the games faster and you can help with interrupts/cc/damage much better than any healer.
With the short cd judgement dispel, they can even keep you out of CC consistently.

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Please dont compare enhance selfhealing to ret and feral. Theirs are basically unlimited, we are capped to 4 before we oom and then we cant even do damage.

Though tbh thats how it should be. Not like ret/feral where their heals arnt costing any many.

Just btw, the problem why people arent dying is because of how powerful cds are. Offensive, not even defensive

Thought ppl got it by now

The problem is still the same, how is that fair to top someone to full hp after a proper go when you had to die?

Things like that ruin the game imo.

Like beware said the pvp devs team can’t do anything cause this is a pve core problem and pvp dĂ©c can’t do anything about it.

now if only they nerfed hybrid sustain we’d be off to a good patch next season maybe.

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They’re nerfing the responses to burst, nerfing healing, adding more MS effects but leaving burst unchanged.

Will be another season where nobody wants to heal, that’s for sure.


I agree with you on this. For instance, since healing is enhancements only defensive, and limited basically to 4 heals, it should be full value on themselves but 50% on others. But if thats fixed, not only does other offhealing from others need nerfing aswell but this also mean that retpaladin shouldnt be able to BoP others. Or DH using darkness that others can benefit. Or intervene removed etc etc.

If the problem is other classes shutting down kill attempts, then healing isnt the only problem. But as i said, I totally agree with you that hybrids and supports are waaaaaaaaaaaaay to strong under right circumstances right now.

True but darkness is 3min and bop 5min(that can be purged) it’s not gamebreaking imo.

It’s probably why blizzard nerfed amz because the cd and the power it gives were too strong(even if mainly for pve reason xD).

I play rps most of the time and loosing because we can’t cc 3 people each go is really frustrating, but there is more to do that just nerfing Self-healing and give nothing else.

Right, so better examle would i.e. be the Shadow mend-chest for priest, which buffs your shadow mend heavily over 1 minute, if you dont cast it. I can see that type of mechanic being relevant. Not only is it once every minute, but it basically locks it down in there between, meaning you cant use it in soft goes. Something similar when it comes to hybrid healing would def. fix alot of the problems.

Tbh I’m not fan of this leg haha but y that could be a good change for sure.

I am not gonna support this burst fiesta. I will respec all my healers into dps
 Find healer wherever u want. And finaly fire ION. Its time to stop his brainwashed eraa.


technically yes, but if everything offensive is tied to the same length of cds, it doesn’t matter if they are on a cd especially if pala have multiple options to prevent kills and just rotating cds till your 5min cd is back up.

e.g. darkness can counter 100% every single ascendance in the game. So how this makes any difference to heals?
many classes do nothing outside their cds and we have many def cds to counter the off cds if you are good at it, nobody dies. See AWC.
Offhealing prevented kills, so did sheep/fear spam, so did timed stuns or other stuff like autoprocs and bm and whatever else.

Off healing should be reduced for sure but not to be 1k per heal

What are you talking about? How can you even compare feral to ret healing? It’s not even remotely close. Where’s the infinite feral healing? We can’t do damage if we’re healing ourselves either. The only “infinite” part about it is clearcasting, which only happens if you’re doing damage, but that means you’re actively losing health. Way more than a single regrowth will heal.

Because you actually have to be free to use it, healing like ret/enhance is insane and doesn’t require to cast ’

It there was a cast it would be completely fine but there is 0 counterplay.

You can knocked or mc a target our of darkness or can purge bop/bubble so the counterplay is possible here.

I think overall healing should be nerfed, not just healer healing but especially hybrid healing to the point 2v2 becomes more balanced and dampening will become obsolete. However I do not support the burst meta either. I would like to have more options with sustained pressure, where doing damage and interrupting spells while using CC properly would actually kill people instead of making the entire game around “do the DPS thing, make them use cooldowns, now jump around for a minute and a half because you do literally zero damage outside of your burst and then do the dps thing again” or “wait until 100% dampening”.
Nerfs to the healing are great but I rather see overall nerf to instant healing spells and hybrid healing. Also nerf to certain burst (like Ret Paladin and fire mage) would be good too.

I have to disagree here. Emblem is a problem. That trinket is so brokenly OP this season that nothing else is even an option for pvp.
Since you can use it with silence and intterupts, bm is very very often the soul reason ppl wont die. And it also brings out of the line abilities that are “total hp %” based
like frenzied regen.
They hit the rigght thing and i do even think that 30% isnt enough. imo ofc.