Emblems of

Hello dear classic community!
I was wondering about a thing, I have read that there will only be 2 sorts of emblems during all phases of wotlk classic. So my question is this:
Will items with itemlvl 213 be available for emblems of heroism in phase 2? And even higher ilvl in phase 3?

Hope you all are having as fun as me im wotlk classic :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I guess, it should work the way, you described.

I abuse your topic a bit with my own question regarding this problem.
Will there be any , exchanging , badges for gold when phase ends, or I can farm the hell out of it and get prepared to buy gear with them when next phase drops.

Thanks, have a nice day.

I remember that heroism was converted to gold and valor became the standard dungeon drop.

In the underbelly there is a “Money changer” where you can convert the new emblems (think its emblem of conquror) that you get in ulduar which you can change for the old ones - why you would is a question though :P, so it will definitely be at least 2 new when Ulduar patch is out.

I guess emblem of heroism from heroic dungeons wont change.

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Nice, ty for the answers was looking for this :smiley:

They’ve basicly went the Cataclysm way with Heroism and Valor. Once Ulduar comes out all of the items that cost Valor in Phase 1 will start costing Heroisms instead. And the Ulduar gear will cost Valor. Same will happen in Phase 3 - Ulduar gear will start costing heroisms and TOC gear will cost Valors. In Phase 4 the heroim vendor will sell all of the Naxx, Ulduar and TOC gear for heroisms.

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Heroisms will be turned into gold. All of your valors will turn into Heroisms. Can’t tell you the exchange rate though since i don’t know it myself :smiley:


This was kind of what I was wondering xD so no point in saving emblems of heroism for later, just use them on orbs and looms now then =p

Yeah, that was the exact way it worked at Cata - every new patch has seen “lower” emblems (justice points at that time) turn into gold (around 2:1 ratio - you basically took your JP and divided them by 2. This must be different with emblems though, you had up to 4 000 JP and gathered them by 60 iirc, EoH work much differently) and “higher” emblems (valor points) turn into justice in 1:1 ratio (this could well remain the same).
I’ve got one question though: where did they announce / say that WotLK classic will work this way? Up to this point, I was under the impression that there will be usual WotLK emblems - conquest, triumph and frost, in this order.
Thanks :slight_smile:

Quoting from blizzardwatch:
“Another change they’re making is to tone down the Emblem system. You may remember by the time we hit Icecrown basically buying a whole heap of ilevel 264 gear with them well before getting very far in ICC itself. You just spent a few hours grinding some dungeons and older raids and you were ready to go. The new Emblem system will make it so current raid content drops one tier of them, while dungeons and older raids drop a second tier that allows you to buy less current gear. This is a pretty significant change, which combined with the loss of Dungeon Finder, should significantly lower the temptation of players to run a ton of older dungeons to buy badge gear almost as good as the current raid. These are Emblems of Valor for current raid tier items and Emblems of Heroism for everything else.”

Interesting, I somehow missed that, thanks.

I don’t really understand it, though. IIRC, with every patch the tier raid / dungeons dropped relevant emblems (ulduar - conquest, toc + onyxia + toch - triumph, icc + rs + frozen halls - frost), while lower dungeons dropped one tier lower emblems. At the ICC launch, the only source of EoF was ICC itself, 3 ICC dungeons and the dala raiding weekly.
If I remain at ICC tier: I could understand the logic behind wanting to remove EoF from dungeons, but why on earth would that force me to redo the entire emblem system, let alone when it is working? Why not just let FoS, PoS and HoR drop Emblems of Triumph like other dungeons? That way you would only have ICC bosses + 5 EoF from the weekly quest (and RS after it’s release), which can’t really be called “grinding” as it is limited by ID reset.
Same would of course go for ToCH. 3.1 season, unless I’m terribly mistaken, comes with no new dungeons.

Reworking the dungeon system than might on one hand seem as a legitimate idea (it had been redone for cata, after all), but on the other going straight against “as little changes as possible” policy (“no changes” went to trash a long time ago), while not being forced by any issue that ruins the game.

Or am I missing / forgetting something?

That is official explication or community made speculation?

How did this work back then in original WotLK? It’s been way too long and I can’t remember.
With every new major patch content update the heroic dungeon emblems were replaced by previous raid emblems and previous dungeon emblems were available only by exchange?

I kinda don’t see reason why players should loose all their emblem of heroism from dungeons and start collecting emblem of heroism in dungeons from the scratch instead of just use their already collected emblems from heroic dungeons to get armor pieces which they couldn’t get from raid in previous phase.

They said that they will use this way for emblems in Classic as they didn’t want to have such a confusing system that we had back in retail WOTLK. Back in the day we had more variety of emblems after Valor (Conquest, Triumph and Frost). But now they decided to go the Cataclysm way with emblems.

This #somechanges to the emblem system no one asked for will have a meaning if and only if the emblems that we have farmed will remain untouched , no questions asked

Let’s say for example that Ulduar gets released tommorow and with my alt the only thing i need is a belt (costs 40 heroism ,but i have 37 on me) . Also let’s say that i have 23 valor . The next day after the 2 daily dungeons i would normaly be able to buy both a belt for heroism and a ring for valor . But if they revert heroism to gold and valor to heroism all i get is the middle finger?This is ridiculous . Even if they announce P2 one month before it launches so we can time our emblem purchases , it’s still ridiculous

I kinda missing some stuff here.

Will the stuff, available for valors now, be available for heroism in phase 2 ? If so, I kinda dont see any problems, maybe that you get some gold for unused heroism.

So by the time we will be in ICC, there will be large amount of items available for heroism, ranging from 200 ilvl to ??? ( ulduar ilvl, whatever it will be ), right ?

I remember the turning into gold part, but I believe it might have been added later when heroism was removed. There was an option to downgrade emblems, valor to heroism. Turning your heroism into gold has no point then, since it’s still needed and can be acquired by downgrading.

But why would you turn heroism into gold if you can buy 213 items with it in p2? And what would the heroism - gold ratio be?

Maybe i am not understanding correctly

In original they just added new emblems each phase, and you could downgrade them if you needed something from earlier phase, or looms =) I dont know about the convert to gold thing, that is what scares me. So this time around they are going to only implement 2 sorts of emblems at a time. I was wondering if that ment it was smart to save up emblem of heroism, but now I get so many different answers that I guess we just have to wait and see xD I for sure dont want it converted to gold ^^

You’ll be able to still buy them with valor, just like now. Emblem of Conquest will be added for Ulduar.

Okay, so I just did some digging. The conversion really did happen, but only in the prepatch of Cata where justice points were added. Triumph and Frost was converted to JP and every other currency was turned to gold. This thing won’t happen then until Cata.

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They announced that there will be only Emblems of Heroism from Quests and Heroic Dungeons and Emblems of Valor from Daily Heroics Quests and Raid.
So the point is that if Dungeons will still drop Emblems of Heroism, then what is the point of converting already collected Emblems of Heroism to Gold and start farming the very same Emblems of Heroism from zero.

This would completely defy the purpose of keeping only two types of emblems if the system would work the same way as original WotLK, making the previous Emblems of Heroism obsolete and replace them with new but actually exactly same Emblems of Heroism from next phase.

That is why I ask if that is official statement from Blizzard or community speculations.