Embrace the meme and give warrior an actual "pocket healer"

Embrace the meme and let us grab a healer from our pocket to heal us

And to complete the fantasy let us drag a whole squad out of our pocket including WF totems and blessing of freedom xd


ROFL would be epic a trinket that makes U pop a shaman healer with windfury totem :rofl:

Better than retaliation.


Sounds good on paper till you realize the shaman healer can only keep you up with a 2.5 sec cast heal that needs to be casted when you are 80%HP. Lesser Healing Wave won’t keep up with the damage flying around if you are fighting more than one target.

And now you have to babysit said resto shaman since he has no CC to defend himself, and can be easily shut down. WF isn’t what it used to be either.

I say if you want a pocket healer go with a priest and don’t settle for less.

RNG spawn priest, shaman, druid, paladin or (mage technically a healer now)

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