In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Emerald Dream in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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Hello everyone,
I played Emerald Dream as a young kid throughout Classic and I was in the guild with my Dad and Older cousin, the guild was Rage Driven Pacifists and it was still running during MoP as I came back and spoke to some old timers. They remembered my Dad and Cousin but of course didn’t remember me as I only reached level 42 throughout entire classic.
The guild had a very good vibe, a real community feel with a wild guild chat, which I loved.
My Dad and Cousin were Filko and Chrisfilko, if anyone remembers them or me, would love to roll on the same realm, we are all going Horde again but on a PvP realm this time.
Hey guys,
Not sure how busy this thread will get but sod it. I was an Officer in The Firm back in Vanilla/TBC before rerolling. I’ll be playing Alliance on a PvP realm initially but I’d love to get in touch with some of the old guard 
On Discord if anyone cares enough! FourCandles#1010
I was a 12 year old kid who played an undead rogue named kazzo or kazzu. I was probably very annoying, nagging and very easy to remember if you met me. I also owe my guildleader 90 gold that he gave me for my lvl 40 mount, his name was doggoth or something like that.(also undead)
I also remember playing with a troll mage named woffe and undead priest name lemihan, both of them were swedish.
Edit: not sure if anyone will look in this forum but i remeber having lots of more friends from emerald dream during vanilla but i just cant remember all of your names. I also forgot the name of the guild i was in.
Hey ED folks,
I played the UD rogue “Fexx” back in the days and stuck around through TBC, too. If anyone remembers me and wants to get in touch then send me a message, it’s a shame I’ve lost contact to all the people I’ve played with and friends I’ve made so I’d be super happy to reconnect with y’all.
I’ll go for a PvP realm this time around, likely horde, and take the game super casually since I can’t commit that much time to gaming anymore, but most of us are probably in that boat.
@Ogrok I was in The Firm as well for quite a while. What was your character name there?
Haha yes Fexx! Don’t think I’ve chatted since MSN was a thing.
I took out my name due to the embarrassing nature, but my character name was Muncher.
Hello hello! I’m a long time wow veteran, been playing on Emerald dream since launch i just wondered if theres any chance that a tauren warrior and Undead Warrior that i used to play with might still be lurking around here their names was Trazer/Tracer and Hrumar i believe.
I think one of them used to be in OT although i cant say that for certain.
Hello, I am looking to connect with the tauren warrior called Kich, as I have many fond memories of fighting against him (and his pocket healers) in the many battles between Southshore and Tarren Mill back in vanilla. 
Ahhh Kich
i remember him! Main tauren tank of Mortalis i think!? Good times on that server :))) - Baclkbow Tauren warrior of Shadows of Doom here! shout out to anyone from that guild back in the day <3
Me: Gorbag - Orc - Warlock
I honestly can’t remember the guilds I was a part of as I had joined a few with friends and raided up to the start of Naxx (With not much luck)!
I’m looking for anyone who may remember my character I was a kinda bad demo spec lock but I loved the spec so much I refused to change. Not sure if anyone remembers me but I still kept in contact with old friends from the server such as Kedorak, Fathernathan, Beefburger and a few others! Just hoping to see if any of the old crew are coming back! Had a lot of fun in ED and HIGHLY regretted moving server at the suggestion of a friend.
Rejoining with the old friends (and some new ones I made after) and would love to hopefully reconnect with others! 
I remember Gorbag, i seem to remember you used to be in OT for a short time i believe or am i totaly wrong? Anyway the name is familiar
Aaah yes I was a shaman healer in Mortalis, I remember those battles very well. Spamming heals and dropping windfury totem for him 
The guild moved over to Nordrassil and merged with another guild, maybe try it there? There’s also a few old videos on YT, maybe he checks in overthere.
my main was a bloodelf paladin named Holler i was in Anastasis with my fella scrapper we still play but we moved to draenor /wave we were also in rigor mortis, synergy and few others cant remember the names
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Hey guys!!
I used to play with my RL mate on ED.
We were Haxxoor and Naabz.
It was during WOTLK though…
I was in “The Chapstars”, and “The Paragon” guilds…
I remember my guildmaster Evada…
This just brings so many good memories…
Hope to see you all on Golemagg!
Hiya’ll my main was this warlock “Lielie”
I was playing through the tail end of vanilla and capped in TBC.
The guild i was part of was Harbringers of Doom (or Harbringers of death?)
Some of the higher ups were Sudo (druid) and Maloch (warrior)
Ill be on Golemagg
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Hey yes I was there for a while! 
Do you remember Kedorak - Tauren druid? Just made contact with him again recently! Trying to get the band back together haha
Have you picked a classic server yet? 
Hi Jack!
Thanks for the kind words, RDP are still about, we’ll be on Mirage Raceway PVE server for classic so no PVP unfortunately (we’re all too old to run around doing PVP all the time!) but you’re welcome to come along 
I also recognise a couple of the names from this forum already, I was Kiella back in Vanilla (and now Still!)
Nah sorry that name doesnt come to mind.
And i’m thinking about going Golemagg but i’m waiting for a grp of friends to reply which server they want to go aswell.
Hey there.
I’m interested to hear if there’s anyone from Nocturnal Fear that’s going to play classic. As for names I remember Vriss, Ullgenser, Tharkburz, Akien… and a few others.
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