In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Emeriss in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Stn - Holy Paladin. GM for Aurora MC-AQ. Then member of Philanthropists AQ-Naxx. Looking for any of my former guildies/friends which is gonna play Classic. Let me know 
Was only on for the tail end of vanilla, but:
Wildheat - Druid 
Athene, the best paladin in the server, but also the world.
just kidding.
Decádo: human warrior
Guild: Experto Credite
Just wondering if the experto crew will be making an appearance.
Jandos - Human Priest
Guild: Glorify (Jan-Oct 2006)
I remember our main tank was called Loosecannon 
Khiu - Human Mage
I was in Glorify too! Don’t remember your name though (sorry). I lost almost all of my screenshots but I recently found some videos of our guild, recorded by different people.
I plan on taking it slow on a PvE server this time, don’t have a lot of free time anymore.
Athina, human warrior, proud member of Avalancha
I wasnt member of BWL raid team. I raided only in MC and then strated playing less and less.
Good to see you 
Another member of Philanthropists here 
Was a dwarf hunter named Yuvs.
Played all the way up to TBC with Philan, but then the guild died :<
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I was there too! Fateless, played a priest. Pretty sure I remember Stn joining in AQ. Yuvs you weasel. Make an ally toon on Shazzrah and bring Ido!
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Mcpot, Night Elf Hunter 
Guild: Firelords, part of the Frozen Alliance.
I think we migrated as a alliance from Agamaggan > Emeriss.
Was wondering if any folks from Firelords are still around. Or anyone else for that matter that i played with during the early days.
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Well hello there!
Karokk here! (dwarf rogue) who played in Philanthropists from BWL to Naxx!
Hey Yuvs!
Karokk here, here is a screenshot from our C’thun kill
Wolffestar - Night Elf Hunter
Killore - Gnome Mage
Guess no one remembers me 
Of course we remember you
from glorify right?
Talric - dwarf paladin here, maybe gonna play a bit.
what server are people picking ?
Yes indeed! Intill Loosecannon kicked me for ninja looting a green boe defence ring from the Elemental invasion in Azshara after Holybone trades it to me after he won it in a greed roll.
I do want to play Alliance but dont really know anyone else going Alliance more then 1 person on Golemagg. While I know alot more people going Horde on Shazzrah. So one of this 2 I will pick.
Would been nice to find Kunigunda, Rumi and them.
Hey man, this is Uranus if you can recall. Some ppl from Experto will play on Golemagg. Cheers!
mcpot! i remember you. Regards , Jarlath , Dwarf hunter , Vinterblot.