Emeriss (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Forever RA RA forever


Hey ho, wasn’t very popular in Classic as I joined RA after one Christmas raid but TBC kept most of us playing so, hey hey Grettir and Peakone :slight_smile: There’s a group formed by Stonex, Creaturee and some other folks, have kept in touch with Ashoto, Poisonhearth, Malphas, and Phrenetic. No idea if Irina and Moopowah will be joining but one can hope. I wonder if someone’s in contact with Siberian or even Gothika.


boss… come… contact me… :stuck_out_tongue:

and all RA members…

and all that wanna play together…

we’re on Shazzrah server… the main will be Crazyness

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Stonex - undead mage - RA guild.

we still keep it together.

contact me on Stoneh-bfa and in vanilla… Shazzrah server, name will be Crazyness or Stonez

we like 40 gathered already.

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ciao bro.

Stonex here. we will be playing on SHazzrah server. Crazyness will be my nickname. Maybe even Grecu will come. we will see.

remember to join /romania channel :stuck_out_tongue:

All ex-RA peeps, search for our group “Raging Alcoholics” on facebook so we can communicate easier. Let’s get this thing resurrected :blush:

Hello Necrotika here -undead female priest


I’m up for playing with you RA guys, was Ruin UD mage on emeriss.

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sure man. whisp Crazyness or Stonez - Shazzrah server - on launch day (don’t know what to pick yet… warrrior or shaman) so we can friend up and keep in touch when we have 10 silvers to make a guild =)))) and a person to run all over the map to create one :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m playing there too, Burden from Emeriss. Unfortunately Burden is taken on the PvP realms. Gonna start classic with an orc hunter called Kresnov. Hunter because i want something fresh and i never played one past 10, so yeah

Naka - No Win Scenario - Emeriss

Drop me a message if you used to play with me/us we will be rolling on shazzrah and looking to get as many as the old crew together.

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do you have any interest in joining RA ? :stuck_out_tongue:

taking in consideration the last post from blizzard… we should not play on Shazzrah, in order to avoid long hours queues…

Go Gehennas :slight_smile:

well… from my point of view… the population will be like this, after time moves…

Shazzrah - full
Golemagg - medium or high
Gehennas - low

Could be true, but I have doubts any of the servers ever will be low. 3.5k was the cap back in vanilla, and blizzard has stated that the “low/medium/high” does not reflect 3.5k but much larger at the moment. There probably also a very big amount of players which will join classic the 27th and haven’t taken a name.

I might be completely wrong though, but I doubt 10k will be all the EU pvp players :slight_smile:

:10k is obviously the ones online, so it has to be more to always be “full”.

The choice should be between Gole or Gehennas. From where I stand Gehennas is already on medium, and there are still a lot of players yet to join until the 27th. On top of that, there will be people that would want to avoid the initial madness of the launch and might go in after a week or so. I am saying this, because at some point I considered this, myself. But that hype, tho…
Anyways, Gehennas seems like the best option at the moment if you want to avoid long queues and unpleasant ‘coalitions’.

I’m with you here. The only coalition I’ve heard that is going Gehennas is the Swedish/Nordic one, and they shouldn’t be too bad due to English proficiency.

Looking for: Braithne or something similar.
Guild: Abyys
My name: Bovary, Tauren warrior

We met on my second day in WoW, he was leveling orc alt, while maining I think Troll priest.
Just wanted to say hi :slight_smile:

I am so poor with names, so I’m really having issues remembering if I know anyone. I played very hardcore during TBC, and quit near the end of that expansion. I tried some WoTLK, but couldn’t really get into it.

I was a hardcore arena player during TBC, playing the 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 bracket. I used to mostly play with Hid, since he was in every single team with me. I did some raiding, but not nearly as much as I did arenas.

Horde, Tauren and Male druid. And if my avatar didn’t give it away, I was called Musho. Does anyone happen to remember/know me? Extremely excited to play classic again!

Have already decided to play on Shazzrah with some ~20 other people I know in real life. The queues are gonna be a pain in the beginning, but will clear up soon enough I’d say. Of course I will be playing a Horde druid. Back to my roots, baby!