Emeriss (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Cue was my alt tauren male druid :slight_smile:

I’m Hid (the horde rogue :slight_smile: )

Woop woop :slight_smile:

Oh, I had forgotten I was in Marauders aswell :smiley: Memory is not the best when it comes to social stuff/names ^^

I also can’t remember the name of any guild I was in on Scarshield Legion before we moved to Emeriss

Drrectangle - Mage from No Win Scenario.

My mistake, wasn’t sure to begin with. Remember a tauren hunter with similar name fo some reason.

Not sure if I should post here or on the alliance part… But my original gnome has died and I will revive myself as an UD mage on Shazzrah! :smiley: so many familiar names in here!

Ex-gnome Mage called Narrayan - for the record.


Remember you dude. ahahha…remember you too well in fact. :smiley: Glad you making a comeback,

Played as Theta - female undead priest in Fallen Keepers. Switched to Vaseline in TBC in Wipe Faster. Will probably play dwarf priest named Theta on Mograine.

I remember some of the names coming past here, Hektic, Burden, Azmodanii (long time no see!)

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You’re thinking of ‘Clue’ I think :slight_smile:

Oh my, you were the rank 12 (at least?) female undead discipline priest right? I remember facing you so often in BGs :smiley:

The names in this thread bring back so many vivid and amazing memories!

Wolffestar Night Elf Hunter
Killore Gnome Mage

Mostly looking for 2 Tauren Warriors. 1 of them I saved on my Hunter in Blackrock Mountain when he was attacked by 9 Alliance, I mind controlled him using Engineering helm and run up to Blackwing Lair entrence to his friends. He had full T2 and Thunderfury. I Think his name was Hardy or something, not sure.
2nd Tauren Warrior was named Roccky/Rockky or something like that.

Been on Emeriss since vanilla but mainly going Horde since Mist of Panda becouse of the low Alliance population there. And less friends playing Alliance.

So far it looks like I am going Horde on Shazzrah.

I recall you too, you Northern Neighbour! Never made it past rank 9 due to raiding schedules, but yes, we did face off a great many times.

It’s getting so difficult to choose the right server now…or faction even, damn this thread.

PS: If anyone wants to catch up Theta#2913 is my battletag :slight_smile:

Hello, old friend, we shall meet again :slight_smile:

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I think you are right. Also, didn’t you play with us in TBC on your pala? I 100% remember you, but not sure if we raided together. Do you remember Kiks, Niarlathotep, Crucial, Deserteagle, Vihtar(Vithar)…etc?

Edit: I have a memory with you in Tempest Keep for some reason, again, not 100% sure.
Also, is Cool the troll rogue Coolz of old?

I remember Kiks and Nyarlothep and Crucial, but I don’t think we raided together a lot. Nyarl was in…Method? Or so pre-TBC.
During the Tempest Keep-era I was guildmaster of Wipe Faster, so I doubt I ever raided outside that setting.

Although…Kiks might very well have been one of our offtanks…Highfather was the MT (Tauren male, just like Kiks was)

I am talking post-vanilla. Nyarla created Requiem just before TBC. Crucial was an officer and Kiks was our MT in TBC.

I could be mistaken if we raided together, might be a guy with a similar name, or a different story entirely. :stuck_out_tongue:

Remember Highfather during vanilla, but I don’t remember seeing him much during TBC.

Edit: was just checking the Wipe Faster roster for a IRL friend that used to play an orc warrior in Wipe Faster during Vanilla. But can’t remember his char’s name and the website I was checking shows who joined and left the guild as far as 2008. His IRL name was Bobby, from Bulgaria.

I feel like a friggin detective trying to dig up all these ghosts from the past. And all these websites and not really helping, either.

We’re all having a bout of dementia it seems.

Dug up a few more names from Requiem:
Danou(lock), Assel(priest), Blessox(priest), Kiara(lock), Chilling(mage), Jensadanske(druid), Rowes(druid), Blackhoove(druid), Nathrall(shaman), Endless(warrior?)…all from Requiem.

Those names I do remember :slight_smile: but no, we never did raid together then.

yes, it’s not the same rogue but that’s me, aka Iknowuwantme as well