Don’t Be Bad
Created under a different name and management back in 2021, but still going strong. And now that TWW s1 is ongoing we’re looking for more raiders to join our team of wacky people. We value the person over logs and previous experience - just be a good sport and show that you’re willing to improve! Something we really understand is that people have a life outside of WoW and that unexpected things can happen.
We’re first and foremost a AoTC guild, but there’s always a possibility that we’re venturing into Mythic. A chill atmosphere where we raid together for 5 hours a week.
We have people of all ages and backgrounds, and there’s almost always someone in voice on discord.
Raid days:
- Wednesday 20-22:30
- Sunday 20-22:30
- Ranged DPS
Socials are also very welcome!
If this sounds interesting, or if you want more information, please contact me either on discord: miknib or on bnet: Kibkip#2443