Ench shaman changes request

Hey , i just wanna say my opinion about the enchancement spec. Its not bad but i kind of dont feel like ench anymore. My damage is mainly from chain lighting and lightning bolts. Those are ele spells. I dont mind using them and i dont mind not spamming stormstrike like in legion but at least give this spell some buffs. I mean its our main ;d . Also just delete this primordial wave thing , i hate to use it for 4 years ;d. I really do hope that war within will make enchancement shaman more reliable on their core spells rather than casting. Thats just my opinion + i prefer the rockbiter build up maelstorm.


Feeling you here.

Legion was a good start to make enha finally something that u call melee. Now we back again to spamming lightning bolts as melee…


happy to hear that someone agrees with me :smiley:

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Doubt blizz will change it, since they pretty much accepted that the legion/bfa enh experiment was a failure.

Losing the only battlecaster spec in the game for a fury warrior reskin was not really well received (per their words).

Although storm build comes pretty close to that playstyle.

At least i hope they would buff stormstrike and nerf lightnings a little

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Reskin lol. Where fury had to maintain weapon buffs? In that case, we can call dks similar too.

Some warlock, mage and spriest talent nearly the same. Build up bar and unleash big dmg.

Then should we call it Reskin+2 buttons ? Don’t be so picky, you know exactly what he meant by that (rockbiter=raging blow / stormstrike=rampage)

elementalist is an abomination even though here are a lot of defenders of the spec.
it is plain and simple not the enhance identity and the main offender is still the worst spell ever “primordial wave”
shadowlands was trash on its own, but now shadowlands trashed enhance as well for good.

only saving grace will be if stormbringer hero talents somehow ignore this stupid spell and make the spec work as it once did.
Unfortunately, blizzard is incapable of balancing so even if stormbringer talents are decent, they also need to be more dmg overall than the elementalist totemic crap.

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I mean, having an opinion is one thing, but being so wrong that elementalist is not the enhance identity is another.

Vanilla: spec based around shocks and ss (used 2h)
tbc: spec based around shocks and ss, dw was introduced.
wotlk: spec based around shocks, ss, and dw. Lava lash and MSW was introduced
cata: same as above
mop: same as above
wod: same as above
legion: spec redesigned around being an elemental themed melee, changing elemental spells in favor of melee abilities.
BFA: same as legion
SL: spec redesigned again to a pre wod style model
DF: same as above.

So yeah, 2 expansions vs 8 of an “elementalist” style enh.

Again you CAN DISLIKE ELEMENTALIST all you like, it is ok to do so and give that feedback. But saying things so plainly wrong just makes people not take you seriously.

Well, they will prob ignore PWave since we had another hero talent based around that spell. Stormbringer would probably be based around the current storm build.

the whole spec in vanilla was based around wf procs.
shocks even let you go oom quickly
besides in vanilla devs didnt even know what they are doing anyways.

was introduced and did no dmg.
also it is a classic melee attack which has little to do with elementalist.

the reason elementalist exists is because of primordial wave and hailstorm. no more no less.
hailstorm in itself is fine, ice strike is not. just makes for an unnessesary button

since when we are speaking of elementalist? right since df and the reintroduction of pmw and the buff it got.

before enhance was a melee that used shocks and occasionally cl or lb, now it is a lava lash and lb/cl spam fest. it is about as crappy spammy as storm build.
instead of 1 good version of enhance we got 2 terrible versions.

but whatever there are still 10 people left that love elementalist i guess.

(I don’t see how that stops lava lash from being a core part of the elementalist playstyle but whatever.)

To be fair, I’m not super pleased with both builds.
I don’t think that hybrid ranged-melee playstyle is really working.

Try to describe in your own words, what would make a great enhancement build.

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