Heya, there was a " glitch " back on Legion i believe where you could put enchant illusions on hunter weapon and it looked good.
Why isn’t this a possiblity today? I have these Tyranny illusions from Arena and many 2100 illusions from arena. Feels like i should be able to show them off.
That goes for all illusions ofc.
So i just would like to bring attention to this, so Blizzard can see it. I don’t know anything about how to implement stuff but seems “easy” when it " worked " back in Legion.
yes please! maybe they need to be careful with hunters…
if they add a dark version of their defensives… and with the new Dark Ranger rework… if that cosmetic would work too with the weapon illusions… jeez, half of the playerbase would play Hunter ^^``. SO they have to add something that doesnt make u wanna play Hunter