Enchanter class

Hi. Which class fits enchanting lorewise best? I’m thinking mage or warlock. I really like enchanting because it’s similar to what i do irl besides the fantasy element ofc so i guess it suits me.

Propably a Mage, but it entirely depends of what kind of enchanting you want to show.
There are nature-based enchants like in Broxigar’s axe for druids, there are arcane enchants done by Mages, Fel-Enchants for warlocks and of course Rune Enchants based in death magic done by Deathknights.

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Definitely mage. Enchantment is a school of Arcane, and a lot of enchanting reagents is in some way Arcane-related, like Arcane Dust, Mana Crystals and so on. Also, learning a variety of enchanting recipes, drawing runes and then infusing items or scrolls with them sound very much like a mage thing to me.

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