Enchanting 2 older recepts

Hi try found out if its stipp possibole to found 2 older Ench recepts in game

Fire +3 to gloves is one its aold classic one still miss that one in classic

Heebalism +3 is also on is those 2 still possibole to be found or out of the game

wowhead was say both are worldbosses but could not point me to a right boss to try on so thouhgt i ask here

Ty fore any help

Heya :slight_smile:
From what I can tell both of these should still be in the game.
Fire Enchant drops from various the bosses in the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj raid (the 40 man raid, not the 20 man one).
There’s no herbalism +3 enchant, only +2 or +5:

  • Herbalism +2 seems to drop from various mobs in Ashenvale
  • Herbalism +5 seems to not drop anymore and may have been removed from the game, comments are inconclusive there

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

thank you the +2 herbalism dropped jn morning so its back grind aq40 then

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