Enchanting in crafting orders are pointless

my warlock use Enchanting and tailoring

But, Enchanting’s crafting orders are pointless. Since nobody orders for this.
Like I got every time 3 orders.

Tailoring and other professions got 10 orders.
Players dont care about Enchanting.

I guess wands are the only thing someone might order. Dragonflight had Khadgar’s Disenchanting rod, so technically they could add some BoP toys without ruining the game balance. However, enchanting is now considered a hybrid gathering/crafting profession and even the point catch up system is 100% based on disenchanting.

I think some people would place enchanting crafting orders, if it was possible to place craft orders of enchants on vellums. Kind of a soft alternative to buying the enchant from the AH. But I don’t think it would be used all that much.

But does the craft order system matter? I think right now the thing that’s really off balance is the price of storm dust. Shatters keep the dust & shard prices linked pretty tight, but dust costs 28g, shards are over 90g and crystals were 6g just moments ago. A crystal shatter to make shards and dust would help the economy. The problem is that if people vendor epics instead of disenchanting, then there’s less Leyline Residue on the market, which then affects a whole lot of crafts even outside enchanting.

The root of the problem was that enchants require way too much dust. I have never seen an expansion where enchants were designed to take 50 or 75 dust and just a couple of crystals. But I guess weavercloth farming has become more and more profitable…