Enchanting Public Orders?

So we implimented public enchanting orders for crests a while ago, people got used to it, and now we killed them again mid expansion.

What is the plan now? Why not remove the whole crest vendor system as a whole now while we are at it, since it was anyways just a tool to make a currency to an item for enchanters to do something with it?

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They took my job!

I’ve been filling the public workorders almost daily for years! Dem bastards!

And to make it personal they even used my name for the vendor xD

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They did you dirty :rofl: what are the odds?

Slim :sweat_smile:
As far as I can tell on the armory, the only ones with enchanting and that name combined are my two priests😂

“Syenite” is a ryolithic igneous rock, don’t think it’s a word commonly used outside of mineralogy/geology :grin:

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I haven’t heard of it with a material scientist, but I guess I’m not a rock scientist :smiley: But you made me google it! Nice one

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