I was super excited to finally see a weekly quest for Enchanting - only to be disappointed as soon as I read it… I was hoping for some actual quest, go somewhere, do this, kill that, gather that or something along those lines.
Instead, it’s taking your hard earned enchanting materials, completely stumping your progress, making earning points even harder. With the AH completely broken, it’s impossible to get materials, and even Tailoring doesn’t have any green recipes that I could DE…
This is not working as it should, imo. Slow progress with a profession is fine, being stuck at an impasse isn’t.
imo it wouldn’t be so bad if the prices weren’t insane atm, 155g for 1 and you need 20 this price tag is not worth the 3 KP which is made worse when you have out grown your sources of greens and you get 1 dust per d/e
On my realm Storm Dust goes for 580g apiece… :S Surely prices will stabilise as we go into the expansion but what I resent is that the AHis unusable, I can’t fish for affordable greens, and hunting quest rewards - which seems to be the best/only viable option - is not effective.
Bottom line is, quests should be quests, not just “give me all your mats/gold”… I was really happy with the profession weeklies in DF, those were always the first thing I did after reset… sth similar would be nice.