
Is anyone else stuck at 99/100 enchanting?! I did more than 20 green crafts and I still didn’t level up. There is no yellow craft, even from unlearned. There is only one orange, but in order to open the tree you need to be 100/100. The person that invented/made that idiotic leveling, should sign his/her/it resignation letter …

Yeah its pretty troll from blizzard to make all the enchants from 95 green and they are actually pretty expensive, costing over 7k gold (the cheapest weapon illusion) that has questionable status at getting sold on the AH

Yes, I have the same situation. I crafted approx. 20 weapon enchantments ( green) and I am still 99. It seems some kind of trolling


Darkmoon Faire isn’t too far away. If you just need the last points and can wait a few days, that’s the easiest way to get them. I got tailoring to 100 easily, but enchanting points are expensive, so I’m not rushing it.

This happened to me aswell, spent ~170k to get that last point crafting Illusion: Primal Fire, over 30 crafts. However on my alt i went from 85 to 100 with 20 crafts.

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