End-game raiding

So I thought the whole point of hardcore is to get to level 60. When I logged in, I found some guilds who are raiding. So basically it’s a different raiding community? Only difference is of course the leveling process but after that level 60 experience is same for normal classic and hardcore classic?

And everything is out already right?

P.S. By the way, this is the only version of the game that allows chinese client - is this intended or? And why? Hardcore fits chinese or chinese speaking people or what? :smiley:

Hardcore is what you want it to be.
As to raiding on HC, which i´ve never done: The raids and mechanics are of course the same, but the way players go about them differs greatly from regular vanilla.

Caution is the magic word.

End game raiding is basically “petri out petri out, guys” in any minor inconvenience and 1-3 ppl die