The question why you get only ilvl 470 item at +19 and +20? It is pointless to farm and you can go afk until next reset. It feels waste time to farm so I dont bother it until next reset because it is way too low ilvl. I mean come on end of dungeon and vault +10-13 difference, it is so stupid!
it only matters at the beginning of the season when your crests are capped.
Obviously the point is that you cannot deck yourself out in first week with myth track items, which is reasonable.
I don’t like the vault because it is too rng, if we could also upgrade hero items to myth track items with the vault, it would be much better and at least we could target farm BiS over many weeks, but like this you might end up with better hero items than myth track items…
for me the real annoyance is that hero track items from +18 needs wyrm crests. Yes I know you can downgrade crests, but it is so much easier to run lower dungeons for wyrm crests, but then you might get a drop on champ level track and you get mad at that. Stupid design if you ask me
Imo the vault coin vendor should sell an item to let us upgrade a heroic track item to the mythic track item. This would solve pretty much all problems for M+ gearing further into the season, reduces some of the RNG, and makes M+ items actually farmable on the long run because you can upgrade them.
I know, and somehow some people still think this shouldn’t exist because M+ should always be behind raid. Or they say that this makes gearing too easy. People lack a brain these days.
Yeah, there should be some caveats so that the play isn’t just to always ignore what you got in vault because you always make sure to farm a heroic item with leech or whatever. The idea itself is a mental diamond that just needs a little polishing.
What’s the point of an M+ vault slot if I keep getting no upgrades? a 489 item from the vault every week, or a 489 item that was a 483 item once every 2 weeks.
If I farmed +16 keys to get an item, and then wait 2 weeks to upgrade it, why should that wait for a .5 patch while some lucky random got it in the vault at mythic track already?
Why? Theres already a very limited amount of vaults you can get in a season anyway and if you’re using this you can’t actually pick anything from the vault itself. We need more compelling “eh, this vault sucks” options and this fits the bill like a glove. Theres no reason why it should take giving up 2 vaults to build
Bad vaults being possible at all is just poor. This deals with that. It doesn’t eliminate your possibilities of still getting something good from your actual vault slots. Especially from mythic raid where stuff can come at a higher itemlevel too.
That said, it would do what you suggest it would do for people that don’t play higher level content. Is that a bad thing? I’m not so sure. But if it is; it wouldn’t be far fetched to tie item track upgrades to the level of your vault bonusses