Enemy Health Bars

I just came back to wow after a short break and for some reason enemies health bars dont show up. By this i mean the floating health bars above the heads of the enemies. I have tried to fix it but i cant find the fix. Any help would be much appreciated.

Isn’t it a tick box in the Interface settings or by pressing v?


I have tried that but nothing worked.

Then try either updating your addons or do a UI reset, not turning addons off.

How do i do a UI reset?
Do you mean just click defaults on the interface tab?

Move your WTF and Interface folder to a new place or rename them and play. You can move them back later.

But V is the default key, if that doesn’t work then you may be asking for something other than what I think.

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I mean the health bar that appears above the head of a mob when you attack it.
I also thought it was V but that doesnt work

You need to be in range for it to work.

Yea i know i was constantly trying it and then attacking a mob but it didnt work.

It should say in BIG LETTERS on the screen when it’s turned on or off. Did you remap your v key?

yea i have but i keybinded it to something else and tried it and it didnt workl

Then go into the interface menu under names and tick the box.

what is the box called?

Really? You can’t see the damned box?

Look for the word ENEMY!!!

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:sweat_smile: I feel like an idiot i went back into my keybinds and realised that i had keybinded the wrong one. I have done the correct one and it is working. Thanks for the help though i have been struggling with this for way to long. :grinning:

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