Enemy's pet healthbar in PVP

It’s unhidable since prepatch and very annoying vs BM hunter or demonology warlock. Any solution?

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There’s a couple of CVars that control whether or not they display.

You can easily toggle them using https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/advancedinterfaceoptions

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Didn’t worked for me i changed the value to 0 and every healthbar disappeared. With Kuinameplates/Plater addons the pet/guardian healthbars stay

Addons arent dependent on those CVars. Just like Plater/ElvUI still display enemy health bars if you have show names only enabled.

I see I aim to get enemy healthbars that show health percentage inside, and show arena numbers (1,2,3) on top of the namepate, also hide pets and guardians healthbar… I recon kuinameplates let’s me set it up but can’t hide pets and guardians. Maybe I can add this to the Blizzard Healthbar?

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