Energy feels bad in TWW as WW

Is it just the WW Monk or are there other energy classes that suffer from lack of energy gain?.. I also spend every enchant into haste, it didnt change a thing…
I played on the beta and it just felt awful to play WW Monk outside of our CD´s… 60 energy cost of TP feels just bad… pls let us at least have TP and BK as spamming abilitys… otherwise we are just standing there with nothing to press… that feels soooo bad!
You are almost forced to pick all the talents that help preventing you from having nothing to press… and even with those Talentpoints you need great luck in RNG to being able to continue pressing buttons…

The energycost of TP is also out of sync with the shadopan hero tree… you need to press TP 7 times…= 420 energy, and you need 400 to aktivate the flurry strikes…
If u take the talent that makes TP cost 55 you end up having to cast TP 8 times with 440 energy to proc flurry strikes…

Pls make it cost 50 energy baseline and 40 with the talent maybe… would be a gamechanger! What do you think ?


This was abit hard to read. But i haven’t tried WW on beta, If what you say is true, it will probably be looked over, the tunings isn’t done yet.

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Yeah, i also noticed that after the pre-patch came out.
Burst windows are fine, but outside of them i had actual problems to have enough energy to press tigers palm to generate chi for things like rising sun kick or fists…

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It felt unplayable when I came back a few days ago, I was still in season 3 gear and had no haste, once I switched to haste and got around 38% it felt pretty good, but that’s not something we will have at the start of the new expac so I think it’s not going to feel good playing WW for a while.

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TP being melee range also kinda bothers me tbh, I’ve gotten so used to being able to TP, SCK from 8y away that I’m not enjoying monk that much anymore. Some of the changes are good, I really like how SEF feels right now with the reset on RSK, but I feel like monk is alot riskier to play again, especially in packs with alot of frontals, in pvp not having the TP dash is pretty awful too.

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Is this your first Pre-Patch? Let me tell you how it works, alot of things will be unbalanced and wierd, some classes oneshots and some do nothing, some have no energy reg and so on.
Gotta wait untill lvl 80 or test beta

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Yeah that’s probably true for most things, I’m not sure if enough haste to make the class play smooth qualifies under that, I don’t see how that makes a difference at lvl 70 vs lvl 80, nothing changes with having 15% haste at lvl 70 or having 15% at lvl 80, now ofc there could be something in the hero talents that could make this feel better, but the only thing I can find is a RNG based talent that can give a bit more energy regen for 6 seconds, not sure if something like this would be enough.

Because at the 35%/40% the WW spec feels actually smooth enough to play in my opinion, but there is absolutely no way we will be able to get that in the first season of TWW, I’m guessing it will be something like 15% to 20% and that’s just not enough to make the spec feel good to play.

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The tuning absolutely is done. If we’ve learned anything from every xpac that has ever come out is that once the prepatch hits, that’s how it is for the first season of the expansion. The only way we can influence them is by being loud and spamming them. Create an uproar. Otherwise, get stuck with the garbage that we have now.


Haste as a main stat was a mistake I will propably touch this monk starting with S2. I’m sure I will be annoyed by the low haste stats.

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Dropped my monk for now. I play this game long enough to know that once you’re down that bad, there’s no way they will buff dmg by a huge amount. They’ll do a 5-10% increase here and there, but that won’t be long enough what needs to be done to enjoy WW as we know if the last 4 years

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That’s… an interesting take, given that we had tuning literally this week which gave us one of our strongest ST talents, and there’s almost always heavy tuning after the heroic raid week.

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Number tuning wont change the problem with the class…

The hero trees are kinda meh, shado pan got no love at all, but I´m pretty sure it will get a rework since noone will play it… and Conduit is actually not that bad, but they are forcing the D3 Monk Version with Spirits and Pets… That might sound good for PvE but in PvP its awful…

But besides that… I wanna play a Monk, that is self reliant… that is all by himself… his mind… bis body… his soul…only using his fists and legs… whats my Monk fantasy…

Tbh, I also chose to play that way. I dont spec into SEF and Xuen, and it feels great to me! Love that we have the choice to not spec into those talents we dont like, and thats a big W for me. :slight_smile:

But ppl who wanna go high rated pvp, they really got a problem playing that Pet Build since 66% of ur DMG is inside of ur spirits that can easily get CC´d. That way the monk is the only spec and class that has to cancel their burst in order to do dmg again if the spirits get rooted or feared.

Make Tigerpalm cost 50 energy baseline and 40 with the talent and I will be happy :smiley: <3

Pardon my question, but wasn’t WW hard cced on Serenity too and part of the skillcap of the spec was trying to get good windows for it and trying to put pressure outside if it?

Also, it seems to me that Conduit of the Celestials with Yulon proc will be our main burst window in TWW (and there is a pvp talent which makes W2W immune to basically anything but a stun during when a celestial is out). So we can actually space our offensive cds a bit instead if mashing all together.

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Sure, everyone gets CCed in their coolwodwns, but with Serenity you can get dispelled or trinket urself out of CC. With SEF even if you get dispelled or use ur trinket, ur spirits are still CCed with 66% of your DMG inside of them… thats an major issue.

Conduit will be for sure a major DMG CD, noone questions that. But you wont be able to use your Yulon proc with SEF, since the spirits will just get CCed and your proc is RIP…And if you dont use your DPS CD to Burst cause its generally a bad desicion if it has this huge potential backdraw… then its a big L in my eyes…

Agree with that. And i will go with Shadopan build (Will see how performs…)


They actually changed the Spirits to be immune now, thats awsome!
But I still dont like it visually and fantasy wise tbh… I will play without that CD. :>

Love my monk, you just play it ur own way, dont think about the best possible meta way of playing it… just enjoy the fantasy u like and play it ur way!

Hey Guys,

did anyone noticed changes to our rotation ? Feels much smoother to me after the patch we got. Maybe because of the buff from Memory of the Monastery… now being 25% chance for that proc feels so much better!

The changes to Shadopan and flurry strikes are so welcome too! 300 energy is perfect to reach with TP costing 60 energy… 5 times now, feels very good!

Would still love get a buff to Inner Peace, pls make the TP cost to 50 energy so it has still the synergy with shadopan… We would have to cast it 6 times then, but it would make our rotation outside of CD´s much smoother!

I myself play without SEF and Xuen, cause I dont like them, so I have tons of experience dealing DMG without CD´s, would change the spec greatly!

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