[ENG|GER] multi class healer is looking for a guild

I pugged my way through heroics in 10.1 (druid, evoker, hpal; currently working on equipping a disc for 10.2). Now, I’m looking for a (english or german speaking) guild with 1-2 raid days to see some mythic content in 10.2.

Aditionally, I’d love to do organised high m+ content on a regularly basis.

I’ll gladly provide logs, please look up Hargoril (Hpal), Regnorvok (Evoker), & Regnora (Druid), all on EU-Blackmoore, on warcraftlogs.

I’m willing to respecc to dps if need be. I’m also playing mage/rogue on lower ilvls. Obviously, I’m willing to transfer my chars to the server of the respective guild!

Please comment or add me for further questions!
btag: Lobog#21233

Hey Hargoril,

Our mythic team is currently looking for a disc or holy priest to finihs our healing team. You can find all about us here

I’ve also added you so we can have a chat if we sound interesting for you :slight_smile:

Kind regards,
